
Fordo nuclear site
Photo: EPA

Blast hits key Iranian nuclear site?

US-based website WND says mysterious explosion destroys large part of Fordo nuclear facility. Report uncorroborated by any official Western source

WND, an American news website affiliated with the Right, reported Friday that a mysterious explosion has destroyed a significant portion of Iran's Fordo nuclear facility – considered Tehran's most fortified facility.


The website alleged that Hamidreza Zakeri, formerly with the Islamic Republic's Ministry of Intelligence and National Security, confirmed that the facility was hit, but the report has not been corroborated by any Western source.


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The website further said that its Iranian source pegged the blast as taking place last Monday at the eve of Israel's general elections.


Tehran believes the blast was the result of sabotage, the report said.


Fordo is considered to be Iran's second-largest nuclear facility and the site of the 2,700 centrifuges, all enriching uranium to 20% level – at which it can be weaponized.


Iran's nuclear facility in Natanz has more than 10,000 centrifuges.


Fordo – which has been carved into the belly of a mountain – is considered impregnable to airstrikes and most bunker-buster bombs.


"The blast shook facilities within a radius of three miles. Security forces have enforced a no-traffic radius of 15 miles, and the Tehran-Qom highway was shut down for several hours after the blast," the report said.


WND stressed that "news of the explosion has not been independently verified," adding that Iran is "aware" of Israel and the West's desire to incapacitate its nuclear program.



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פרסום ראשון: 01.26.13, 23:12
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