
Photo: AFP
Iron Dome (Archive photo)
Photo: AFP

3rd Iron Dome battery deployed in north

Another missile defense system installed in northern Israel following alleged Air Force strike on Syrian arms convoy

Against the backdrop of foreign media reports on an Israeli Air Force strike in Syria, a third Iron Dome battery has been deployed in northern Israel.


This raises the number of missile-interception systems installed in the north to three. Over the last 10 days Iron Dome batteries have been deployed in the Upper Galilee area and in greater Haifa as well.


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The Iron Dome launchers belonging to the third battery were installed in several points and can defend a number of towns from missiles.


The IDF Spokesperson's Unit said the deployment is part of the general operational implementation of the Iron Dome system.


Nevertheless, the deployment of three fully-operational batteries in northern Israel is cannot be considered part of the IDF's routine activity.


Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd is set to supply the IDF with three additional batteries in the near future.


Iron Dome, which has already been lauded as the proverbial hit in the international defense industry, is a mobile all-weather air defense system, meant to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells.


The system was successfully used during the Pillar of Defense operation, showing an 84% interception rate of rockets fired from Gaza.



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