
Yeshiva University students get in on the action (archives)

Jewish students take on 'Harlem Shake’

Yeshiva University students film their own version of 2013 dance craze in school's lounge

VIDEO – If 2012’s dance was "Gangnam Style," 2013’s might be the "Harlem Shake." Almost as ridiculous as PSY’s imaginary horseback riding moves, the "Harlem Shake" is a combination of creepy and outrageous.


Popular vlogger Filthy Frank is responsible for starting the craze, and so far everyone from baseball teams and the Norwegian army to grandmas and little kids are perpetuating it. So why wouldn’t Yeshiva University get in on the action?



If you are somehow unfamiliar with the dance videos, they typically depict a masked person dancing strangely while everyone else surrounding him is still and quiet. Then, when Baauer’s "Harlem Shake" kicks up a notch, the video cuts to an outrageous dance party, with everyone involved thrashing about like crazy.


The Orthodox Jewish students at Yeshiva University filmed their "Harlem Shake" in the school’s lounge.


Watch the video. When the dance party kicks in, check out my favorite guy on the left side doing the slow-motion body pump.


Reprinted with permission from Shalom Life



פרסום ראשון: 02.25.13, 15:04
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