
Australian clothing company under fire over swastika

Company's 'swastika boot' gets the boot

Australian clothing brand posts photo on Facebook showing four boots arranged into shape of Nazi symbol, takes it down following complaints

An unfortunate coincidence?


The Seed company, an Australian clothing brand, is getting some serious heat these days after something resembling a swastika was posted on its official Facebook page.


The photo, which clearly shows four boots posed into the shape of the Nazi swastika, was posted during the same week of Holocaust Remembrance Day, which commemorates the six million Jews killed by the Nazis during the Shoah.


The photo, which was posted last Wednesday, was taken down Friday morning.


The general manager of Seed, Denise Haughley, told that she was “concerned” to learn that the image was being interpreted as "anything other than a display of colors of our children’s gumboots."


She added, "We would like to state that this image was not intended to offend, and we sincerely apologize if it has caused any offense. Please note that the post has been removed to ensure that there is no further possibility of the image being interpreted in any other way than intended."


Reprinted with permission from Shalom Life



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