Adina Bar-Shalom, founder of Haredi College of Jerusalem
Photo: Gil Mezuman
Adina Bar-Shalom, the daughter of Shas'
spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef,
is working to boost the integration of the ultra-Orthodox public in Israel's
labor market.
Haredi Labor
Kobi Nahshoni
Majority of Israelis prefer to see ultra-Orthodox integrate into labor market rather than be drafted by IDF, believe government must allot special budgets for this purpose
Bar-Shalom is expanding the Haredi College of Jerusalem, which she founded more than a decade ago, in a bid to allow more haredim to acquire an education, get a job and contribute to the State's economy.
The plan is to have 4,000 men and women study in the college in the future.
Bar-Shalom has gained the support and funding of the Jerusalem Foundation, as well as a blessing from her father.
"We need scientists, doctors and psychologists, who will come from within the haredi society and openly improve its prestige," Bar-Shalom told Yedioth Ahronoth.