
Battles in Syria
Photo: Reuters

Rebels: Assad, Hezbollah used chemical weapons

Hezbollah accused for first time of using chemical weapons in Damascus suburb attack; according to Syrian rebels, several were killed, injured due to gas

The major organization of Syrian rebels, the Free Syrian Army, announced Wednesday that forces affiliated with Bashar Assad's regime and Hezbollah fighters employed chemical weapons in battles at the outskirts of Damascus, according to Alarabiya network.


Assad's forces are continuing to shell a number of towns and areas within Syria using a range of munitions, especially chemical warfare which, this time around, hit the town of Zamalka, outside of Damascus.


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The rebels stated that the military forces use of chemical weapons killed several people and caused several to sustain injuries resulted from suffocation. The network uploaded video clips showing the dead and wounded. The report was not confirmed by other sources.



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 הקלידו את הקוד המוצג
תמונה חדשה

הסרטון נשלח לחברך


הטמעת הסרטון באתר שלך

 קוד להטמעה:

The clip


Even if Hezbollah participated in the attack, its fighters' involvement in a chemical weapons attack is unclear. It should be noted that several Israeli officials voiced their concern with a scenario in which Assad supplies his Hezbollah allies not only with advanced conventional weaponry, but also with chemical weapons.


Last week, the US officially confirmed that comprehensive examinations revealed Assad's forces used chemical weapons several times over the last few months against the opposition.


מטפלים בנפגע נשק כימי (ארכיון) (צילום: AP)

Treating chemical weapons' wounded (Photo: AP)

קצף לבן מהפה. צילום של נפגע נשק כימי לכאורה, לפני כמה חודשים

Alleged chemical weapons injury, from a few months ago


In light of this, Washington made clear that Syria crossed the red line President Barack Obama set to Assad, and that the US will start arming the rebels to aid them against the Syrian regime and Hezbollah.


According to Western estimates, about 4,000 Hezbollah fighters are fighting alongside Syrian troops against the rebels.


About two weeks ago they aided Assad to retake the strategic border town of al-Qusair. At the same time, according to some reports the Shiite group suffered heavy losses in its Syrian intervention – more than 100 killed and hundreds injured.



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