Man bitten by snake on his genitals
Photo: Shutterstock
A 35-year-old man from northern Israel was bitten on his penis Friday by a snake that slithered out from inside his toilet. The man sustained light injuries.
MDA paramedics who were alerted to the scene evacuated the man to Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, where he received medical treatment. An examination revealed the snake was not venomous.
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The man told the paramedics that he went to the bathroom to relieve himself and suddenly felt "a sharp burning sensation on his penis."
One of the paramedics said that the man claimed to have seen the snake before it slithered down the toilet, and according to him the snake was very small.
According to the paramedic, despite the injury's location, the man managed to keep his calm and even had a laugh with the medical crew at his own expense.
"This is the first time I've seen a snake bite like this," the paramedic said. "Luckily," he added, "all the tests seem to be fine and the man is feeling well."
The hospital noted that the man was transferred to the trauma unit and that his test results will be transferred to the hospital's toxins unit.
"There is undoubtedly bite marks on the area in question," the hospital said, "but it seems the snake is not poisonous. The man is currently undergoing a number of tests and as soon as we have the results he will be able to go home."
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