A haredi resident of Netanya, 55, was allegedly attacked by a group of haredim in the Kiryat Sanz neighborhood, sustaining moderate to severe injuries. Police believe the man was attacked after he looked at a pregnant woman. Suspects have yet to be arrested.
Currently, police are investigating whether members of the neighborhood’s 'modesty squad' are behind the attack.
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The man, who was attacked Saturday night, had arrived at the bus stop in the haredi neighborhood and planned to travel to Bnei Brak. While he was waiting for the bus, a pregnant woman arrived. According to testimony gathered by police, a group noticed the man watching the pregnant woman and began hitting him all over his body. The attackers later put the victim in a vehicle, continued to beat him and then threw him out on one of the streets in the neighborhood.
A citizen who noticed the assault reported it to the police. The victim was evacuated to the Sanz Medical Center in the city. Police combed the area, but so far they have not arrested any suspects.
Medical staff said the man was bruised all over his body, but due to his condition, investigators have not yet been able to speak with him or collect evidence regarding the circumstances of the attack. A police source told Ynet that the suspects "brutally attacked him; he was beaten all over, his whole body is full of bruises."
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