The project, led by David and Jonathan Marketing, consists of a series of images showing celebrities dressed as Soviet soldiers, with blood running from their mouths. This is a play on the iconic Pierre et Gilles photograph depicting a soldier with a tear streaming down his cheek.
Titled RED FLAG, the project is a response to the seeming anti-gay crusade Putin has been spearheading in Russia.
Earlier this week, a bill banning the LGBT community from donating blood and organs was introduced in Russia. This is the most recent of a line of anti-gay laws, including a law prohibiting any "gay propaganda". Gay activists in the country were unsuccessful trying to battle the laws, and in recent weeks, the international community has been joining in.
The latest celebrity to join the efforts is Hollywood actor Wentworth Miller, who came out as gay last week, and officially refused an invitation to a Russian film festival. "As a gay man, I must decline," he said.
FOD Magazine, which is targeted towards the LGBT community, has decided to showcase the project in its upcoming edition, dedicating the cover and a special feature to the subject.
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