
German Jews call for Waters boycott

Jewish group in Duesseldorf urging ban of upcoming concert by former Pink Floyd band member for using inflatable pig featuring Star of David during his show

A Jewish group in the German city of Duesseldorf is urging a boycott of an upcoming concert by former Pink Floyd band member Roger Waters for using an inflatable pig featuring a Star of David during his show.


The director of the Jewish Community in Duesseldorf, Michael Szentei-Heise, said in a statement Thursday that Waters was an "intellectual arsonist" whose stage act used "anti-Semitic and National Socialist" imagery.


Waters, who could not immediately be reached for comment, is to perform his show "The Wall" in Duesseldorf on September 6.


The English musician has previously rebuffed critics of the show, which has been performed about 200 times in the last three years, by saying it isn't intended to be anti-Semitic.


The inflatable pig also features other religious, political and corporate symbols.



פרסום ראשון: 09.02.13, 08:04
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