
Palestinian enters West Bank settlement

Days after West Bank murder, Palestinian found in settlement; residents asked to remain indoors

Less than a week after the murder of Sariya Ofer in the Jordan Valley, a safety breach is revealed again: Security forces captured a Palestinian who entered the Einav settlement in the West Bank Tuesday evening.


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The Palestinian was unarmed and the purpose of his being in the area remains unclear. He was taken to questioning. Meanwhile, the IDF is patrolling the area to rule out another person entering, and residents were instructed to remain in their homes.


On Sunday, it was published that Shin Bet, the IDF and Israeli Police arrested three suspects in connection to the murder at the Jordan Valley. Two of them, Palestinians from the West Bank, admitted to the murder.


The unusual event in the Jordan Valley also took place after a Palestinian entering an Israeli settlement. Last week, a nine-year-old girl, Noam Glick, was wounded when she was playing in her home in Psagot. It was initially reported she was shot, but it seemed she was stabbed.



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