
New Nazareth mayor declared

Following legal battle over results of Nazareth municipal election, suspicion of foul play, new mayor of Nazareth, businessman Ali Salam, finally declared, ending 19-year mayorship of Ramez Jaraisi

Eight days after the municipal election in Nazareth, the winner has finally been declared. Election committee and representatives of the Interior Ministry have met on Wednesday to decide on the new mayor – businessman Ali Salam – who is to replace Ramez Jaraisi, the city's mayor since 1994.


Following the announcement, thousands of Nazareth residents have arrived at Salam's residence to celebrate the win.


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The mayoral election sparked controversy regarding the identity of the winner, as though Salam garnered 21 more ballots, Jaraisi insisted that discrepancies – such as the loss of 17 votes by soldiers and the disqualification of a ballot for people with disabilities – have rendered the final tally unacceptable.


Salam, Jaraisi (Photos: Ahiya Raved, Hassan Shaalan)
Salam, Jaraisi (Photos: Ahiya Raved, Hassan Shaalan)

Nazareth residents celebrate court ruling (Photo: Alarab)
Nazareth residents celebrate court ruling (Photo: Alarab)


On Sunday, the controversy reached the Nazareth District Court, where an injunction was issued, barring the publication of the results.


On Wednesday, however, Salam's appeal was granted and his win was declared.


Following the announcement, Jaraisi called Salam to congratulate him.


Salam told Ynet: "The residents of Nazareth wanted change and I promised them I would make sure the city is promoted."


A Nazareth resident argued that the court's involvement in the election results was "unlawful and not within its jurisdiction," as the judge suggested that the two nominees rotate the mayoral post, "thereby interfering with the election results and the democratic process; an interference that is undoubtedly political… and wrong."



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