
Israeli invention: Electric dental 'braces'

New orthodontic system developed by Israeli company promises to shorten daily treatment time, do it painlessly during sleep. How does it work and how much does it cost?

Need to have your teeth straightened but don't want to wear braces for everyone to see? Now you'll be able to get the process done while you sleep. A new system developed by an Israeli company promises to shorten the daily orthodontic treatment time and do it painlessly.


The new technology developed by Israeli Aerodentis straightens the teeth through gentle pulsating force, which moves the teeth gradually during sleep. According to the developers, medical research shows this force is healthier and more efficient than applying constant pressure, as in other methods.


The pulsating force, determined in a computerized manner by the orthodontist, facilitates the blood circulation in the underlying periodontal ligament tissue between the root and jawbone and prevents complications involved in applying constant pressure, like infections and pain.

Air pump system moves teeth while you rest (Photo: Aerodentis)


The system is comprised of a custom-made thermo-plastic mold produced from orthodontic sheets by vacuum forming technology using CAD/CAM manufacturing and 3D imaging. It fits over the patient's teeth with an integrated inflatable silicon balloon connected to a control console. The houses the electronics, air pump system and pressure sensor that measures and controls the electronic pulsating force level in real-time.


The control unit monitors the course of the treatment through a smart card, so that when the patient arrives for an examination at the orthodontist's office, the doctor can pull out the data from the smart card and program the rest of the treatment in accordance with the progress made and the patient's needs.


'Solution does not hurt self-confidence'

The advanced system was developed for seven years by a group of orthodontists, led by Dr. Orit Nadav and Prof. Meir Redlich, as well as engineers.


"The idea to develop the product followed many appeals from patients who wanted to have their teeth straightened but sought to do so discretely, in a way that would not undermine their self-confidence, embarrass them, affect their speech or cause them discomfort and pain," says Dr. Nadav.


"The technology is based on many studies which prove that using pulsating force is more efficient and healthier for the patient. Applying optimal and controlled pulsating force on the teeth allows us to reduce the time of wearing the device to just 10 hours a day."


This is how it works: The orthodontist measures the patient's teeth and sends the measurements to the company's production department. The mouthpiece is custom-made according to the final desired condition of the teeth, which is determined in advance. The device is given to the patient, who is guided on its use and maintenance.


The patients must wear the plastic mold connected to the control console in the evening hours and during sleep. When they visit the orthodontist's office every one to three months, they bring along the mouthpiece and the control console with the smart card, which contains information on the treatment's progress. In according with the findings, the doctor reprograms the system and updates the treatment plan.


According to the company, the system suits patients of all ages. The treatment takes three to 24 months and is done privately. The significant shortcoming is the price, which starts at NIS 15,000 (about $4,250) for treating both jaws.



פרסום ראשון: 12.17.13, 07:51
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