
Train evacuating trapped Jerusalemites gets stuck en route to Tel Aviv

With roads connecting Jerusalem to rest of nation just beginning to open, trains have been Jerusalemites' only way out of snow-seiged city. Ynet learned that one train got stuck because of flooding. 'This nightmare refuses to end,' stranded traveler said

Citizens attempting to flee snow-sieged Jerusalem were trapped again after their train grinded to a halt near Lod in central Israel. The train connecting Jerusalem to Tel Aviv has been the sole route out of the city in recent days, as roads have been closed.


Yogev, who boarded the train at 7:32 pm in Jerusalem told Ynet the train was jam-packed, according to him: "We're stuck in the middle of nowhere, people are really pissed off."


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Israel Railways spokesperson Liran Gordon said: "Because of a train that suffered a technical issue and was stopped when nearby streams flooded onto rails, there is a restriction on speed which has caused delays. There were two such trains that were forced to stop due to flooding."


Rescue train
Rescue train

Stranded passengers (Photo: Yogev Salonimsky)
Stranded passengers (Photo: Yogev Salonimsky)


Travelers on the train reported the cars were filled to capacity.


"First it stopped in Ramla, and then it suddenly ground to a halt near Lod. Someone went to the driver to see what happened and he was told there was some issue with the signal lights. We have been stuck here for more than an hour and a half."


Ayala, who is also on the train, said: "It took more than an hour to get to the station in Jerusalem, when it usually takes five minute. The train left on time, but after we left the Ramla station, the trained stopped for no reason. Usually they stop because other trains are crossing, and that is actually what happened, but only this time our train didn't start moving again."


She added, "The train is full of people who were stuck in Jerusalem because of the snow, and now the nightmare won't end. There a lot of children here and people are starting to feel the tension. The train is completely packed. Now, after an hour and a half, the train started moving again, thank God."



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