
Following storm, Jerusalem witnesses unique sunset

As Jerusalemites gradually resume normalcy after snow subsides, clean air makes for breathtaking sunset in capital. Storm cleaned air of dust particles, allowing sunrays to paint clouds in various colors, astronomer says

Snowstorm Alexa that hit the Mideast did not only cause power shutdown and unbearable cold, but also, according to experts, cleaned the air of dust particles, thereby allowing sunlight to extraordinarily colorize the clouds.



The storm-ridden Jerusalem witnessed a colorful sunset on Tuesday.


Photo: Deshawn Bilgouri
Photo: Deshawn Bilgouri

Photo: Natalie Paslev
Photo: Natalie Paslev


Photo: Sapir Abadi
Photo: Sapir Abadi

Photo: Elad Lidor
Photo: Elad Lidor

Photo: Tzlil Kovatch
Photo: Tzlil Kovatch


"The storm literally cleaned the air," Dr. Igal Patel, Chairman of the Israeli Astronomical Association told Ynet. "On a day like today, when there isn't much dust in the atmosphere, you can see blue sunrays, and in the higher layers you can see red rays."



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