
Archive photo: AP
Archive photo: AP

Israelis rushed from West Bank hotel after protest

Palestinians throw stones towards hotel where Israeli, Palestinian peace activists have meeting; no injuries reported. Three dozen Israeli particpants rushed out back door of hotel, driven to safety.

Witnesses say Palestinians have thrown rocks at a West Bank hotel where Israeli and Palestinian peace activists were meeting.



The stone-throwers broke windows and glass doors in Thursday's protest outside the hotel in the city of Ramallah before Palestinian riot police arrived.


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Organizers say the conference was cut short and three dozen Israeli participants were rushed out the back door, put on Palestinian police buses and driven to safety.


The participants are part of a group that has been regularly meeting to try to garner popular support for Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and break down barriers between the two sides.


Protesters say they object to attempts at normalizing Israeli-Palestinian relations at a time when Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands continues.


There was no immediate report of injuries or arrests.


פרסום ראשון: 01.09.14, 18:02
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