Ariel Sharon 1928-2014 From general to political leader
Former Prime Minister Ariel SharonPhoto: APfacebookprintsend to friendcommentAriel Sharon - A life in picturesYnet reviews the key events in the life of one of Israel's greatest political and military leads. Ariel Sharon 1928-2014 Ariel Sharon 1928-2014 From general to political leader General Sharon with then-Prime Minister Golda Meir in Sinai, Egypt. Yom Kippur War. 1973 (Photo: GPO) Sharon with then-Defense Minister Moshe Dayan. West of Suez Canal. Yom Kippur War 1973. (Photo: Bamahane, Abraham Vered) Sharon with Rabin and Yekutiel Adam. 1976. (Photo: Moshe Milner, GPO) Sharon appointed to defense minister. 1981 (Photo: Shalom Bar Tal) Then Defense Minister Sharon with Prime Minister Begin at Bufour outpost, Lebanon (Photo: IDF) Sharon with slain PM-Rabin (Photo: Defense Ministry) Sharon on Suez Canal. 1982 (Photo: Mose Milner, GPO) Sharon with wife Lily at an Air Force base.1982 (Photo: Baruch Rimon, GPO) Sharon at Knesset Plenum. 1985 (Photo: Nati Harnik, GPO) Sharon addresses Likud. 1986 (Photo: Shalom Bar Tal) Sharon on his farm in the northern Negev (Photo: Yossi Rot) Sharon on his farm (Photo: Michael Kremer) Sharon with Palestinian President Abbas. 2003 (Photo: Reuters) Sharon at Hanukkah ceremony (Photo: Flash 90) Sharon addresses cabinet as PM. 2005 (Photo: AP) פרסום ראשון: 01.11.14, 14:31 commentsend to friendshareshare See all talkbacks Close all talkbacks new commentolder - newernewer - olderrecommended storiespopular storiesNextPreviousWarning:This will delete your current commentcancelOkNo talkbacks found