
The newborn baby

Baby Boom: Lebanese parents dress newborn in Hezbollah uniform

Marking Prophet Mohammed's birthday, parents decide newborn's first clothes would be Hezbollah uniform. 'He became a symbol of the resistance from his first hours,' television reporter says

Shiite television network Al-Manar in Beirut took advantage of the festivities surrounding the Prophet Mohammed's birthday with some special propaganda.



    With cameras in Hezbollah's Al-Rassoul Al-Aazam Great Prophet Hospital, viewers caught a glimpse of Mahadi, a newborn baby, who just moments after entering this world was already being prepared for life in the Lebanese terror organization.    



    שליחה לחבר

     הקלידו את הקוד המוצג
    תמונה חדשה

    הסרטון נשלח לחברך


    הטמעת הסרטון באתר שלך

     קוד להטמעה:

    Instead of a blue baby gown, the child was dressed, from head to toe, in Hezbollah uniform.


    The television commentator said that the organization's uniform was the first set of clothes that touched his body.


    Related stories:


    "He became a symbol of the (Hezbollah) resistance from his first hours."


    The baby's mother said she hoped her child would become a top fighter, and that by dressing him up it reflected the continuity of the Islamic resistance generation after generation.


    Because the child was born on Mohammed's birthday his parents were exempt from paying hospital fees, and the child himself will carry with him an ornament with the name Mohammed written on it.


    פרסום ראשון: 01.23.14, 16:03
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