
Archive photo: IAI
Dvora-class patrol boat
Archive photo: IAI

Fire erupts on Israeli navy ship, 15 injured

Dvora-class fast patrol boat malfunction leaves sailors with smoke-inhalation injuries, 15 evacuated to area hospitals, one in light-to-moderate condition

Fifteen Israeli navy sailors were hurt Friday afternoon after a fire erupted in the water pump of their Dvora-class fast patrol boat. The sailors suffered smoke inhalation injuries, with one in light-to-moderate condition.



The sailors extinguished the fire and the injured crewmen were evacuated to the Ashdod naval base for treatment.


Dvora-class fast patrol boat (Archive photo: IAI)
Dvora-class fast patrol boat (Archive photo: IAI)


Friday's incident is the second in less than a week. On Monday a small Tzora-class water craft turned over a few kilometers from the Gaza Strip shore. There were no injuries.


An Israeli navy force from a Dabur-class patrol boat evacuated the five soldiers who had been on the small craft and towed the craft to shore. An investigation was opened regarding the incident.


In the wake of the previous incident, the Navy chief General Ram Rothberg suspended all operations involving Tzora-class crafts until the investigation concludes.


Story developing...


פרסום ראשון: 01.24.14, 18:20
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