A report published Wednesday states that in 2013, the expenses stood at NIS 2.44 million ($688,000), in comparison with NIS 3.22 million ($909,000) in expenses the previous year.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was recently faced with fierce disapproval in light of the publication of his expenses, which included NIS 96,000 ($27,000) spent on flower arrangements and NIS 6,000 ($1,700) spent on scented candles in 2012.
The information released Wednesday shows that in 2013, cleaning, housekeeping and manpower expensed stood at NIS 866,000 ($244,500). This is a much lower figure than that of 2012, when the expenditure stood at NIS 1.2 million ($339,000), yet it still higher than similar expenditures in 2011, which stood at NIS 848,000 ($240,000).
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The report further shows that the spending on formal food and accommodations dropped by almost half and stood at NIS 246,000 ($69,500) last year. Expenses on gardening have also lowered dramatically from NIS 142,000 ($40,000) in 2012 to NIS 78,000 ($22,000) last year. Money spent on security, the report claims, has dropped to NIS 213,000 ($60,000), yet is still double the amount spent on security in 2011.
The spending on furniture and household items stood at NIS 34,000 ($9,600), which are a third of the spending documented for the same criterion in 2012.
On the other hand, operating expenses surged in 2013 from NIS 682,000 ($193,000) to NIS 824,000 ($233,000). For comparison purposes, operating expenses in 2009 stood at only NIS 510,000 ($144,000). Expenditure on the private Caesarea residence stood at NIS 193,000 ($55,000), where spending was lowered from NIS 318,000 ($90,000) in 2012.
In total, the official Jerusalem resident and Caesarea home cost the tax payers NIS 2.44 million ($688,000).