
Photo: MCT
Jewish school in Toulouse attacked in 2012
Photo: MCT

France condemns anti-Semitic graffiti in Toulouse

French interior ministry says recent spate of hate messages against Jews and LGBT that have appeared on buildings in the southern city 'revolt us all and injure all Toulousains.'

French authorities say they are trying to identify and apprehend those responsible for a recent spate of anti-Semitic and anti-gay graffiti messages that have appeared on buildings in the southern city of Toulouse.



The interior ministry says the buildings targeted by the graffiti attacks included a center for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals,

as well as a left-wing party's campaign office, a cemetery and a university.


The interior ministry condemned the attacks, which it said "revolt us all and injure all Toulousains."


Nearly two years ago, a gunman's attack on a Jewish school in Toulouse killed a rabbi, his two sons and a girl.


פרסום ראשון: 02.18.14, 08:30
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