
Photo: AP
Photo: AP

Masked and armed, Palestinian militants march near Jerusalem

March in Abu Dis, under Israeli security control, marks 45th anniversary of establishment of DFLP.

Dozens of masked Palestinians, some of them armed, marched over weekend in the West Bank town of Abu Dis, next to Jerusalem. The town in in Area B, which is under joint Palestinian and Israeli security control.



According to Israel Radio, the marchers were clad in army uniforms and carried a variety of weaponry, including Kalashnikov and M-16 rifles, guns and hand grenades. They were also reportedly firing into the air during the demonstration, which marked 45 years of the establishment of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.  


Over the past few months, the radio said, militants have begun to make their presence felt in the Palestinian territories after years of a Palestinian Authority ban.



The militants have begun to gradual appear primarily in refugee camps such as Balata near Nablus, Dheisheh near Bethlehem and Jalazone in Ramallah. Recently, Hamas and Islamist Jihad militants have also publicly appeared in the Jenin refugee camp.



פרסום ראשון: 02.23.14, 13:37
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