WASHINGTON – Israel is behind the airstrike on a weapons convoy near the Syrian-Lebanese border Monday night, a senior Israeli official told Time Magazine.
It is still unclear precisely which missiles were targeted; however the Israeli official noted that the convoy apparently included missiles with heavier and more dangerous warheads than the ones that are already held by Hezbollah, which obtained tens of thousands of rockets directed at the heart of population centers in Israel.
This is the first time an Israeli source confirms – according to Time – that Israel stands behind an attack on Lebanese soil.
According to foreign reports, Israel previously struck weapon transfers meant for Hezbollah four times.
Major General (res.) Eyal Ben Reuven, who was deputy commander of the Northern Command, told foreign reporters that "we assume that we do not stand before a Hezbollah attack on the northern border. I say that because of the fact that Hezbollah is very busy fighting in Syria and within Lebanon. But that is just our logic."
According to Arab media reports, Israeli fighter jets struck an area adjacent to the Syrian-Lebanese border late Monday night. The target, it was claimed, was a Hezbollah convoy transferring weapons and highly advanced missiles from Syria to the organization's arsenal in the northern Lebanon Valley.
Immediately following the events, an Israeli security source declined to comment to news agency Reuters whether there was an IAF strike in Lebanon or Syria. However, the source confirmed that that IAF executed an unusual operation in the north.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday refused to confirm whether Israel carried out an airstrike along the Syrian-Lebanon border, but said he would do everything possible to protect the security of Israeli citizens: "I don't talk about what is claimed we did or did not do - that's the first part. The second part is that we do whatever it takes to protect the security of the people of Israel."
Roi Kais contributed to this report.