
Photo: Israel Police
The Palestinians in the van
Photo: Israel Police

Cops catch 29 Palestinians crammed into one vehicle

Vehicle was making its way westwards from Jerusalem when it was stopped in the Modi'in area.

Police officers who stopped a transport van Sunday on the outskirts of Modi'in were surprised to discover that the vehicle's passengers included 29 Palestinians crammed in the back.



The Renault van had left Jerusalem and was heading west when Modiin policemen noticed how slowly the vehicle was moving.


Palestinians in the back of the van (Photo: Israel Police)
Palestinians in the back of the van (Photo: Israel Police)


They asked the driver to pull over and when they opened the back door they discovered the Palestinian passengers crammed inside, without any safety measures or ventilation. The 29 were all in Israel without permits.


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Palestinians inside the van (Photo: Israel Police)
Palestinians inside the van (Photo: Israel Police)



The driver was taken for questioning and the vehicle was impounded.


The detainees included Palestinians with security-related backgrounds, who were taken by police for further questioning.


פרסום ראשון: 05.11.14, 23:54
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