
Photo: Shutterstock
Mount Pisco, Peru
Photo: Shutterstock

Israeli traveler dies during climb in Peru

Israeli diplomats working to return 30-year-old's body from Mount Pisco, a seven-hour drive from Lima and with no aerial access.

A 30-year-old Israeli tourist has died during a hike in Peru, the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem confirmed Tuesday. According to reports in the local media, the man was climbing with 15 other people in the heights of Mount Pisco in the Cordillera Blanca mountain range, about 60 km north of the city of Huaraz and a seven-hour drive from the capital Lima. 



The area has no aerial access routes, and Israeli diplomats in the country is working on a plan to return his body to Israel.


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Mount Pisco in the Cordillera Blanca mountain range (Photo: Shutterstock)
Mount Pisco in the Cordillera Blanca mountain range (Photo: Shutterstock)


Earlier this year, 22-year-old Israeli Noam Rubinstein died following an accident in the Cerro Castillo National Reserve in Chile's Patagonia region. Rubinstein, who was in Chile on a post-army trip, was traveling with a friend on a mountainous trek known for its difficult weather conditions.


During the trek, Rubinstein stumbled on the mountain slope and injured her leg. Her friend tried to get help, but the rescue team only arrived hours later, by which time Rubinstein had died of hypothermia.


פרסום ראשון: 06.10.14, 10:31
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