
Photo: Gil Yochanan
Soldiers searching at Karmei Tzur
Photo: Gil Yochanan

Young woman claims she was kidnapped, found in Palestinian village

Woman called the police and said she was being held inside a building at a Palestinian village, police and IDF tracked her using the location of her mobile phone.

Less than 24 hours after finding the bodies of the three abducted teens, the fear of abduction arose once again. A 21-year-old woman who was working at a gas station near Beitar Illit claimed she was kidnapped by Palestinians overnight Monday.



A team from the Judea and Samaria district police and the IDF located the woman using the GPS on her mobile. The young woman was found at Beit Jala near Jerusalem. The police were still checking whether she was indeed kidnapped.


In a phone call to the police's 100 emergency call center, the young woman said she was being held inside a building at a Palestinian village, after being abducted and forced into a car.


An initial investigation conducted after the young woman was found revealed that after she finished her shift at the gas station she met with a friend. When the encounter was over, while she was on her way to a hitchhiking stop, two Palestinians forcefully got her inside their car and led her inside the building she was eventually found at.


Police and IDF forces, with the help of the young woman and the location of her mobile phone, arrived to the building in which she was held and rescued her.


Following the incident the police are investigating the circumstances of the case and whether abduction actually took place.


פרסום ראשון: 07.01.14, 09:15
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