
IDF intercepts another Hamas UAV

Hamas' military wing claimed responsibility for launching the Ababil 1 UAV, saying it was intended to attack a target deep in Israel.

For the second time during Operation Protective Edge, a Patriot missile defense battery intercepted an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) coming from the Gaza Strip on Thursday evening.



Hamas' military wing claimed responsibility for launching the Ababil 1 UAV, that was shot down over Ashkelon. The organization said that it intended to attack a target deep in Israel.


On Monday, the Patriot missile defense battery executed its first interception since the early 1990s when it felled a UAV, launched by Hamas, over the skies of Ashdod.


Hamas claimed responsibility for the attempted attack on Monday and claimed that its members launched several UAVs from Gaza. Palestinian sources close to Hamas said "the aerial vehicles penetrated deep into Israel, more than 60 km away from Gaza."


Hamas said it has developed two types of drones - one for intelligence gathering, and one for delivering munitions.


It also said it lost contact with one of the drones and that the targets included the Defense Ministry compound in Tel Aviv. It was the first time the militant group publicly acknowledged it has drones in its arsenal.




פרסום ראשון: 07.17.14, 20:36
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