Prime Minister Netanyahu
Photo: AP
Israel's military mission in Gaza to destroy tunnels used by Hamas for terrorist attacks is being done fairly quickly, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CNN on Sunday.
Netanyahu speaking to CNN (צילום: לע"מ)
The prime minister repeated his accusation that Hamas is using Palestinian civilians as human shields, and said that there are sometimes civilian casualties that Israel regrets.
The Saja'iyya neighborhood of Gaza City came under heavy IDF artillery bombardment overnight Saturday, and Israel and Hamas agreed Sunday to what was originally a two hours-long humanitarian ceasefire in the area, that has since been extended to four hours.
Meanwhile, the Arab League on Sunday described Israeli attacks on Gaza that have killed at least 60 Palestinians as a "war crime".
Nabil el-Araby, the head of the Cairo-based Arab League, considers Israeli shelling and ground attacks in Saja'iyya a "war crime" against Palestinian civilians which Israel is responsible for, according to statement issued on Sunday.
But US Secretary of State John Kerry lashed out at Hamas on Sunday, saying the organization "stubbornly" refused to accept a ceasefire with Israel.
Hamas were offered a cease-fire and they refused, Kerry told ABC television.