Though most foreign reporters seemingly avoided reporting on such claims, some journalists have now returned home and without the threat of violent backlash from Hamas, have begun airing video blatantly showing militants firing rockets from civilan populated areas.
France 24 aired just such a report in which rockets were launched just behind their reporter who then filmed children gathering around the launch site and pointed out a UN flag perched on a nearby building.
Indian news station NDTV also aired a report Tuesday in which their journalist in Gaza apparently filmed Hamas militants assembling and firing a rocket from a small area between hotels and other residential structures.
The video was taken sometime over the last two days and aired only after the reporter left Gaza. This seems to touch on the reason that reporters have been hesitant to film or photograph Hamas militants since some claim that Hamas would harm them if they were seen photographing or filming certain events.
The Indian journalist took to Twitter after his report aired and said, "In Gaza, we reported what we saw - Hamas assembling rocket or terrible toll on Gaza's children. No spin, no agendas. Let's keep it that way."