
Photo: Guy Assayag
Israel's Foreign Ministry scoulded Israeli embassy abroad for unhealthy work enviroment.
Photo: Guy Assayag

Internal conflict at Israeli embassy results in complaints to local police

General Inspector of Israel Foreign Ministry sends document reprehending organizational General Inspector of Israel Foreign Ministry sends document reprehending organizational environment, revealing the scandal.

Severe internal conflicts at one of Israel's embassies around the world resulted in embassy workers filing a complaint with local police. The general inspector of the Israel Foreign Ministry sent a document to the employees of the embassy, which exposed the scandal.



The document was sent in an attempt to establish the desired workplace environment and indirectly revealed there had been shouting, insults directed at employees and a dismissive and arrogant attitude towards local security guards, cleaners and drivers.


The general inspector asked the embassy employees to learn lessons from the incident in order to prevent and minimize such conflicts in the future. Additionally, he instructed them to contact management immediately if a similar situation were to arise.


"Similar to the change that occurred regarding the matter of sexual harassment in the last decade, what used to be allowed and accepted in the past on the subject of management culture is presumed not allowed today," the general inspector wrote in the document.


"If in the past, an administrative officer could be aggressive and shout, and it was legitimate or at least tolerated, today this style of management – beyond that it is ineffective – indicates weakness and is unacceptable. Shouts and screams directed at employees and insults are not considered legitimate," the general inspector wrote in the document, the main principles of which were sent to Ynet.


Another section of the document dealt with the treatment of local workers and service people.


"Recently we have dealt with several cases of improper treatment by the head of the mission and his/her spouse towards the local security guards, cleaners and drivers. The department policy regarding the issue is uncompromising: dismissive, arrogant or vulgar attitude towards day laborers will be treated in a strict and uncompromising manner. Israel's name and diplomatic representation should not be stained because of improper conduct," wrote the general inspector.


The general inspector emphasized that the majority of Israel's embassies throughout the world received favorable reviews and showcase good management.


"We were impressed that the majority of the embassies work with a sense of the mission and that all the local representatives and workers are motivated and dedicated to the mission," wrote the general inspector.


פרסום ראשון: 11.26.14, 00:17
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