
Photo: MCT
John Oliver
Photo: MCT

John Oliver takes on Israeli election ads

From Netanyahu's ISIS campaign video, to Herzog's voice and Yesh Atid's 3-hour long video - Last Week Tonight pokes fun at Israeli ads.

"Last Week Tonight" host John Oliver mocked Israel's election videos in his most recent episode, which aired Sunday on HBO.



First on Oliver's tray was Prime Minister Netanyahu's highly contentious ad in which he claimed that if the center-left coalition was to win, ISIS would take over Israel.



Oliver took a jab at the ad's rationale, saying he wasn't sure that the elections would stop the Islamic State group from attacking Israel. "Death to Israel! Pending all precincts reporting - respect the process guys, step back," Oliver quipped.


Moving on to Netanyahu's main rival, Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog, Oliver took a lighter tone, poking fun at a satirical campaign ad put out by the Zionist Union regarding Herzog's somewhat meek voice.


In the original ad, the center-left party attempted to answer naysayers who used Herzog's sometimes shaky to voice to claim he was unfit to lead by inviting Israelis to dub the ad, adding their voice over Herzog.


"How annoying is this guy's actual voice if he's forced to do that," Oliver asked. "Is it like Pee-Wee Herman… or Ray Romano possessed by a duck, or Russell Crowe's regular singing voice?"


Cutting to an interview of Herzog in English in which his voice is very much normal, Oliver took a jab at Herzog, saying it was not a very good sign of leadership that once someone criticized his voice he hired a "stunt larynx."


However, Oliver dubbed "this single greatest election ad" in the Israeli elections a 3-hour long video by Yesh Atid in which they jokingly attempt to bore voters with the facts. In the original ad, a man is seated idly in front of the camera, explain all of the party's achievements while an artist paints a full-wall mural.



Oliver praise Yair Lapid's video, saying it was very risky allowing voters to compare your campaign "to the actual experience of watching paint dry."






פרסום ראשון: 03.09.15, 21:11
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