Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock
Hamas has taken a new captive said sources in the Gaza Strip Wednesday - a dolphin said to be outfitted with cameras and other equipment on a spying mission for Israel.
The suspicious sea creature was apparently captured a few weeks ago near the shores of Gaza by Hamas' elite unit of sea commandos whose operatives infiltrated Israel during Operation Protective Edge and were killed on the beaches of Ziqim.

The deadly face of a dolphin spy. The US trains dolphins for military monitoring missions. (Photo: Gettyimages)
The source said that the spying dolphin was dispatched by Israel to collect video intelligence of the unit's training activities. The Palestinian publication Al-Quds reported that Hamas militants grew wary of the dolphin due to its "suspicious movements."
Hamas Commandos
The spying equipment was reportedly found when the dolphin was removed from the water and checked. Al-Quds reported that the suspect was also outfitted with a device capable of firing arrows with the capability of wounding or even killing a human.
The dolphin debacle is not the first time that Israel has been accused of using animals in efforts to spy on their enemies. Birds have allegedly been outfitted for spying operations and a shark that killed several tourists in Egypt in 2010 was accused of working for the Mossad in an attempt to harm tourism.