LIfe as an IDF dog
Jump into the cockpit or grab your weapon and a vest and head for the obstacle course. These videos are a first-person view of IDF operations and training, giving you the experience of being a fighter pilot, a commando, or even a dog.
Fighter jets
Fighter Jets (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
Join an F-15 and F-16 pilot in a unique view of Israel from an actual training mission.
Jump and roll
Jump (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
In the clip we can see a practice jump which is accompanied by jump school instructors. As a part of their training, jump school instructors must prove their skill in jumping, as well as knowing how to escape a plane in case of emergency.
During operational jumps the instructors use automatic The edge of the parachute is connected to a strap which is connected to aircraft. Upon jumping, the strap stretches, and a few seconds later the parachute opens. When the parachute is fully open, the wire connecting the strap to the parachute rips as a result of the jumper's weight, and the jumper detaches.
War week
Infantry (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
Taking over houses, eliminating terrorists, and combat in tight urban spaces full of IED's are just some of the scenarios that Kfir brigade soldiers encountered during their "war week." The week marks the last and most intensive part of eight months of combat training. The soldiers also practice cooperation with the air force and armored battalions. At the end of the sleepless week, the soldiers are given their camouflaged berets.
Obstacle course
True Test (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
The IDF's obstacle course takes place in all of the IDF's combat units, and aims to challenge the soldier's endurance, fitness, and willpower, similar to what the soldiers will face on their way to their objectives. The course is considered a true nightmare among many soldiers, but for the some it is simply the place to show off their fitness.
The obstacle course is conducted under wartime conditions. Soldiers are equipped with a helmet, vest, gun, six magazines, and two canteens. It includes a 600-meter run, followed by an obstacle course that includes a wall, balance bar, high rope, barbed wire crawl, and for a nice finish – an additional 500-meter run.
Oketz: Canine Unit
Warrior dogs (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
IDF Spokesperson (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
IDF Spokesperson (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
This video shows a dog from the IDF's canine unit (Oketz) training on the unit's obstacle course. The dogs' unique abilities – heightened sense of hearing and smell, in addition to a small, flexible body that can fit into narrow areas, and a mouth full of sharp teeth – allow them to conduct a variety of missions within the counter-terror field, as well as certain search-and-rescue tasks.
The unit is divided into different companies, according to the dogs' jobs: attack dogs, used to attack terrorists; bomb dogs, which use their heightened sense of smell to detect explosive materials; weapons dogs, capable of detecting a variety of weapons and ammunition; search and rescue dogs, used to locate survivors in disaster zones; and tracker dogs, used to track people and follow scent trails.
Tanks, Tanks, Tanks!
Armored warfare (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
IDF Spokesperson (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
IDF Spokesperson (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
IDF Spokesperson (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
After six months of intensive operation activities, the 188th Armored Division is now holding a brigade-wide training exercise in the Golan Heights.
"Barak stations, this is your commander, fire": the command is given and suddenly a hail of 120mm shells rip through the sky, opening the exercise with a bang.
Night arrests in the West Bank
Nightime Arrest Raid (צילום: דובר צה"ל)
On Friday, July 31, Palestinian terrorists made their way to a point near the settlement of Kochav Hashachar in Binyami and shot at an Israeli vehicle driving on the access road to the settlement. Upon receiving the initial report, security forces began tracking certain suspects, while using live intelligence sources.
When the identities of the suspects were confirmed, one of the IDF's special forces units was given the order to arrest some of them. Within three days of the incident, the unit had already begun conducting raids east of Ramallah. This video shows the arrest of two of the suspects.
Antenna maintenance
Antenna Mainenance
The clip shows soldiers from the IDF's Hoshen unit, responsible from maintaining communications equipment on top of tall antennas. The Rom team is responsible for all equipment that is considered classified or sensitive in nature. The mast in the video is located at a communications base in central Israel, and provides operational communications for dozens of IDF units.
Search and rescue
Search and Rescue (צילום : דובר צה"ל )
In this exercise, we see soldiers of the IDF Home Front Command search-and-rescue units simulating an operation in which they attempt to rescue a group of infantry soldiers trapped in a collapsed building in Gaza.