Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the international media in a special press conference held at the Foreign Ministry on Thursday afternoon, calling Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas a lier and blaming him for inciting violence against Israelis.
"Abbas continues to lie, and only way to defeat these lies is through telling the truth," said Netanyahu before a presentation began showing pictures and video documenting recent attacks.
The special address came on the heels of a televised speech released by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to the Palestinian people, in which he addressed a recent stabbing attack in Pisgat Zeev.
The Palestinian leader made no mention of the stabbing itself, but rather choose to comment on amateur footage showing one of the young perpetrators, Ahmed Manasra (13), lying on the ground bleeding. Abbas held up a still frame from the footage, saying that Manasra had been "executed in cold blood."
Netanyahu responded to the speech on Wednesday night saying that Abbas had continued his campaign of incitement against Israel, and that the boy he claimed was executed was actually alive and being treated in an Israeli hospital.
Footage released by the Government Press Office on Thursday showed the boy eating and moving around in a hospital bed with bandages on his head, verifying Netanyahu's remarks.
The Prime Minister was said to have invited the doctor who was treating Ahmed to speak at the press conference, in an effort to contradict the libelous narrative currently promoted by the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian social media networks.