Some 30 Israelis reported being attacked by Palestinians while trying to enter Joseph's Tomb in Nablus on Saturday night.
The Israelis arrived at the site, contravening a military order, in seven vehicles at around 2am. Palestinian security forces on the scene prevented them from entering the compound and notified Israeli forces.
As security forces attempted to coordinate a rescue, clashes developed between the Israelis and dozens of Palestinians who arrived at the site. The Israelis said the Palestinians beat them and claimed that uniformed Palestinian police participated in the beatings.
When IDF forces arrived, only five Israelis were still present and were arrested for breaching the military order. Police noted that the five arrested Israelis were covered in injuries and were treated at the scene by IDF medics. The five are to be taken to a hospital for a medical exam before being brought before a remand hearing.
"When they arrived at the site, they were greeted by Palestinian Authority policemen, who according to their claims began cocking their weapons at them, humiliating them, and attacking them with clubs, sticks, and weapons," said police. "After a few minutes, an angry mob arrived and began to beat them."
The other Israelis evidently fled when they realized they would be arrested.
Law enforcement also stated that according to the Israelis, they arrived at the site according to their rabbi's instructions in order to paint the compound after it was burned early Friday morning.
Palestinians set parts of Joseph's Tomb on fire on Thursday night as they rioted and threw Molotov cocktails. Palestinian security forces chased the arsonists away and put out the fire. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas quickly declared that he was ordering an inquiry into the incident.
Police emphasized on Sunday that entry to the area is forbidden and could endanger lives.