

US academic association votes to boycott Israel

American Anthropological Association passes resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions in landslide vote; Pro BDS groups praise 'historic result.'

A major American Academic association, the American Anthropological Association, overwhelmingly approved a resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions during the group's annual meeting in Denver, Colorado on Friday.



The motion, which sought to support the BDS movement, was passed by a landslide majority of 1,040 votes in favor, to 136 against. A final electronic vote is set to be held in the coming months.


The meeting also voted down a measure to oppose the BDS movement with a majority of 1,173 votes against to 196 for.


(Photo: AP) (Photo: AP)
(Photo: AP)


According to the AAA, "The resolution enjoins the AAA not to enter into any formal collaboration with Israeli academic institutions. Individual Israeli scholars may continue to participate in AAA conferences and publications, and individual members will remain free to determine for themselves whether and how to apply the boycott in their own professional practice."


The vote was hailed by the pro-BDS group, Anthropologists for the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions, which called the outcome a “historic result” after “over three years of organizing within the Association to educate and mobilize members to stand against Israel’s widespread, systematic, and ongoing violations of Palestinian rights, as well as to protest the complicity of Israeli academic institutions in these abuses.”


The AAA is the largest academic association within the US to endorse the boycott movement at an annual meeting.


Similar votes passed with overwhelming majorities at the American Studies Association, the Asian American Studies Association and others.


פרסום ראשון: 11.21.15, 18:00
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