Germany: We will act against 'Mein Kampf' incitement
Justice Minister Shaked was met with protests upon arriving at a joint German-Israeli legal conference in Berlin, where German Justice Minister Maas promised to fight any incitement that would arise from the newly reprinted version of 'Mein Kamp'.
Berlin- A group of Palestinian and left wing activists held a protest outside of Germany's Federal Ministry of Justice building in Berlin on Monday, where protesters chanted against an official visit by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked.
The protesters carried signs calling for a boycott against Israel. Some of the signs included citations from the Justice Minister's speeches on the issues of illegal immigration from Africa and the destruction of terrorists' homes.
Shaked, who travelled to Berlin in order to take part in a joint legal conference between the two countries, said in response, "In Europe there are radicals who are attempting to harm the State of Israel through de-legitimization. I am happy that the German government has stood alongside Israel. The people and government here are great friends of Israel. We won't allow a small group of protesters to disrupt our joint work."
Justice Minister Shaked emphasized that she had asked her German counterpart, Heiko Maas, to act against the labeling of settlement products, "This is not a consumer issue, but rather a step which allows for the de-legitimization of Israel."
In her speech at the onset of the legal conference, Shaked emphasized that Germany and Israel were facing similar legal challenges in the face of terror and waves of immigration – "Decisive issues for which we must find the necessary balance between individual rights and the duty to safeguard the nation and its citizens. Like Israel, Germany is also a party to the fight against radical Islamic terrorism."
According to Shaked, "There is a direct link between the victims of the Munich Olympics massacre and the French citizens who fell victim to the terror attacks in Paris. The hate is the same hate, the goal is the same goal: To harm anyone who thinks and prays differently. Eradicating terror is a daily struggle. We must join together to win this struggle."
German Justice Minister Maas for his part said that judicial authorities in his country would act to prevent the use of a reprinted version of Adolph Hitler's book "Mien Kampf," for incitement. "Banning the publication is no simple task," the minister emphasized. "With that said, we must make a clear distinction between the issues of publication rights and incitement. The Judicial authorities will fight against any cases of incitement."
A ban on reprinting the Nazi manifesto in the country has been in place since the end of World War II. The state of Bavaria has held the German copyright ever since but it expires in December.