WASHINGTON - As terrorists have continued to target Israeli citizens, the United States on Wednesday issued a travel warning in light of "heightened tensions and security risks".
The warning states that tourists should be able to locate the nearest bomb shelter. It also advised that the "security situation can change day to day, depending on the political situation, recent events, and geographic area."
The statement also informs potential tourists that US government employees are restricted from taking public buses and must receive advance approval to visit certain areas.
The warning further indicated that tensions in Jerusalem and the West Bank "not seen in those areas in a decade" have increased violence.
"Since October 2015, attacks on individuals and groups have occurred with increased frequency in East and West Jerusalem, Hebron, and Bethlehem, as well as various other places in the West Bank and Israel, including Tel Aviv," explains the statement.
"More than 12 US citizens have been among those killed and injured in multiple attacks in 2014 and 2015," it added.
Among the other suggestions in the statement are: avoiding demonstrations; being aware of religious and cultural sensitivities; and exercising caution at Islamic religious site on Fridays and holy days.