New details are now coming to light about the eagerness of the prime minister to ink a deal with the Germans.
According to details in a report published Tuesday, an Israeli representative of the German shipyard which is supposed to build the submarines together with the German government is an Israeli businessman by the name of Micki Ganor. Additionally, Ganor's lawyer, David Shimron, is a confidant and personal attorney of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Additionally, it has been reported that Shimron and Ganor attempted to move a contract from the Israeli Navy to a private firm set up by the latter. They met with Histadrut labor federation director Avi Nissenkorn, and representatives of IDF employees union to reach an agreement.
"I have never spoken to state officials regarding the privatization of naval shipyards," David Shimron stated. "And I did not deal with state officials on the issue of the acquisition of vessels by the State of Israel. I did meet with the Histadrut federation director and it is true that I thought that if the Navy moves maintenance activities to a private framework, then it is advisable to meet with the Histadrut. I did not discuss these issues ever with the Prime Minister."
The Prime Minister's Office responded, "Prime Minister Netanyahu does not know Ganor nor of any connection between him and Mr. Shimron. Mr. Shimron has never discussed any matter relating to his clients with the prime minister. The only reason a deal was signed with Germany was strategic and economic considerations."