
Photo: AFP
Fire in Nataf
Photo: AFP

Palestinian arrested on suspicion of starting Nataf fire

Arrested suspect taken in for questioning by the Shin Bet on suspicion of hurling Molotov Cocktails into Nataf in Jerusalem, precipitating a devastating fire which incinerated building structures and more than 25,000 dunams of forests; in separate incident, two teens from east Jerusalem arrested while setting fire to tires.

A Palestinian was arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of hurling Molotov Cocktails into the town of Nataf in the Jerusalem Mountains which caused a giant fire on Friday.



The fire inflicted devastating damage to the town’s building structures and burnt more than 25,000 dunams of a forest.


Fire in Nataf (Photo: Jerusalem Fire Service)
Fire in Nataf (Photo: Jerusalem Fire Service)


The suspect, from the Qatanna village in the West Bank, has been taken in for questioning by the Shin Bet.


The arrest comes shortly after authorities announced that an investigation conducted by the Jerusalem Fire and Rescue Services revealed that the Nataf fire was indeed caused by the throwing of a Molotov Cocktail from Qatanna, vindicating previously-stated suspicions of firefighters.


During the investigation, remains of Molotov Cocktails were found in the area, while another one was found next to the security fence from where the fire services submitted that the conflagration had originated


Photo: AFP
Photo: AFP


In a separate incident on Tuesday, two 16-year-old teens from east Jerusalem were arrested after Border Police noticed them trying to set fire to a pile of tires near the Atarot industrial area. 


Noticing that the Israeli forces had caught them in the act, the teens attempted to flee, but were caught by the troops.


During a search of the two individuals, the security personnel discovered a lighter and papers. Heightening their suspicion, their clothes also bore marks of a fire. Forces also found a pile of tree cuttings nearby.


Later on in the day authorities announced that two Palestinians who were arrested on Friday on suspicion of setting fire to the Moshav of Beit Meir will be indicted for illegally residing in after a police investigation determined that they were not, in fact, responsible for the fire. The Jerusalem Magistrate's Court extended their arrest for two days after a prosecutor’s statement was issued. An indictment is expected to be submitted on Thursday.


פרסום ראשון: 11.30.16, 12:53
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