
Photo: Motti Kimchi
Moshe Dadon
Photo: Motti Kimchi

Head of Mateh Yehuda Regional Council suspected of rape

Police recommend that Moshe Dadon be indicted for charges including rape, bribery, fraud and breach of trust; evidence also compiled implicating his brother, contractor and legal advisor in some of the alleged crimes.

Police recommended Wednesday that the head of the Mateh Yehuda Regional Council Moshe Dadon be indicted on a series of charges including rape, bribery, fraud and breach of trust.



According to a statement released by the police, they have compiled sufficient evidence suggesting that he and his brother, Avi Dadon, committed a string of serious sexual offenses.


Moshe Dadon (Photo: Motti Kimchi)
Moshe Dadon (Photo: Motti Kimchi)


The police also recommended that Dadon’s contractor Gabi Magnezi, and the council’s legal advisor, along with others, be indicted for bribery.


Included in the list of alleged crimes attributed to Danon, in addition to those already mentioned, are attempted rape, sexual harassment and forbidden sexual relations.


“This is a wide-ranging investigative case, branching off to several different incidents involving holders of other senior positions in the council, mostly its legal advisor,” the police statement read.


“Foundational evidence has been compiled indicating that similar crimes were carried out by his brother, Avi Dadon, and the contractor Gabi Magnezi.”


The latter is suspected of giving bribes, falsifying corporate documents and fraud.


The matter has been handed over to the Attorney’s Office which will determine whether indictments will be issued.


פרסום ראשון: 12.21.16, 12:04
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