
Photo: CBS
Children are evacuated from the Jewish community center
Photo: CBS

Hundreds evacuated from Jewish community centers in Miami-Dade

Two Jewish community centers evacuated in Miami due to a bomb scare when a local call warned that an explosive had been planted in one of the centers, while a second threat was made to a another Jewish center; at present it is unclear whether the two incidents are connected.

CBS Miami reported that Police evacuated two Jewish community centers in South Florida Monday morning over possible security threats. One of centers had hundreds of children.



Around 11 am, hundreds of chidlren were evacuated from the Dave & Mary Alper Jewish Community Center over fears of a possible explosive device, according to police. As an act of caution, about 300 children were also evacuated from the center.


Children are evacuated from the Jewish community center (Photo: CBS) (Photo: CBS)
Children are evacuated from the Jewish community center (Photo: CBS)


Dozens of parents of the children were reporedly seen outside the center as their children were congregated in a tennis court—being kept away from their parents during the investigation. All the parents were being told was that their children are safe and had been evacuated.


Officers said someone called in a threat to the Miami Beach Jewish Community Center around 10:45am. The call came from a local number, which was what prompted the center's evacuation.


There was also another threat to another Jewish community center in Miami Beach, but the all clear was given by police around noon. Miami-Dade Police say they are unsure if there is a correlation between both threats.


פרסום ראשון: 01.09.17, 20:17
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