
Yakub Abu al-Kiyan's family petitions High Court to hold funeral to be held at Bedouin village Umm al-Hiran

The family of Yakub Abu al-Kiyan, who was shot and killed by police on Wednesday, petitioned the High Court on Friday to receive his body and to be allowed to bury him at the Bedouin town of Umm al-Hiran on Friday. Currently, the police are refusing to release his body for any gathering of over fifty people.


The situation leading up to al-Kiyan's death is currently being disputed, as the police claims that he was a terrorist who had charged into a police blockage with his car, killing Sgt. Maj. Erez Levi, and locals and witnesses say that police shot him first, causing him to lose control of his car.


פרסום ראשון: 01.20.17, 13:58