
Regev at the conference

Likud under fire for holding retreat on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

The festive event in Eilat on Friday is criticized by politicians past and present; Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev defiantly declares that, thanks to their 'Likudiada,' the day received more coverage than it ever has and says that they did begin with a minute of silence; Leader of the Opposition Isaac Herzog calls on her to resign.

Following criticism aimed at the Likud party for holding a celebratory retreat in Eilat on International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Friday, Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev claimed that its timing caused even more attention to be drawn to the memorial day.



Speaking Friday at the "Likudiada"—which brings to mind the Hebrew term for the Olympics, "Olympiada"—Regev said, "I heard that we were attacked for having an event on a day when International Holocaust Day is marked. International Holocaust Day has never been covered as much as it has this year, thanks to the Likudiada."


Miri Regev in the Knesset earlier this year (Photo:Gil Yohanan) (Photo: Gil Yohanan)
Miri Regev in the Knesset earlier this year (Photo:Gil Yohanan)


Former Minister Silvan Shalom, who until recently was a senior figure in Likud, was critical of the timing. He wrote on his Facebook page, "As the person who initiated in the UN the International Holocaust Remembrance Day…all over the world, people commemorate and remember today the victims of the Holocaust at demonstrations, in parliaments, in educational institutions and on the media. So it saddens me that today of all days was chosen to hold the Likudiada events in Eilat. You could have found a different date!"


Former Minister Limor Livnat joined Shalom's position. She tweeted, "With my citizen hat and with my second hat as Chairman of the Foundation for the Benefit of Holocaust Victims in Israel—I condemn the celebrations of part of the Likud leadership on International Holocaust Day. There are no limits."


Regev also said in Eilat, "Today—and you saw this—we began with a moment of silence. This week in the Knesset, we commemorated International Holocaust Day. There is no minister, member of Knesset or citizen that is not accompanied by the memory of the Holocaust every day. I returned from Miami this week. One of my first visits was to the Holocaust museum there, and I met one of the Holocaust survivors from Cuba. So nobody can tell us how to respect the memory of the Holocaust, the Holocaust survivors. I don't remember our deciding that on this day there wouldn't be events and wouldn't be festivities. So they can stop coming after Likud. There's no more principled party than Likud."


Saturday, Leader of the Opposition Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union) criticized the culture and sport minister's comments directly. He said, "Miri Regev yesterday at the Likudiada turned the International Holocaust day that Israel initiated at the UN to a surreal PR item. A shame and a disgrace. She should resign immediately together with the head of her government."


פרסום ראשון: 01.28.17, 21:25
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