
Photo: Reuters
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Photo: Reuters

Violent attack on two Jews outside Paris

French media report two assailants threatened 17- and 29-year-old brothers at a red light, threatened to kill them, and attacked them with a hacksaw before fleeing; an investigation is launched.

French media reported on Friday morning that an investigation was launched Tuesday after two Jewish youths were attacked in a dispute with two other motorists outside of Paris, which was announced only Thursday evening by the Bobigny public prosecutor's office.



A fight broke out in Bondy, Seine-Saint-Denis, between the 17-and 29-year-old Jewish brothers and the two aggressors at a red light. The victims, who were traveling in their vehicle, said they had been the stared at insistently before being threatened: "I'll kill you, you dirty Jew."


French National Police (File photo: AP)
French National Police (File photo: AP)


The reports further state that one of the assailants took out a hacksaw and beat the older brother, wounding his hand. He was issued 10 days of sick leave. His brother's shoulder was injured, as well.


Patrons in a nearby bar also reportedly beat the two Jews.. The unidentified assailants fled.


פרסום ראשון: 02.24.17, 10:41
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