Netanyahu: Israel committed to working with Trump to advance peace
In a satellite speech to AIPAC in Washington DC, Prime Minister Netanyahu praised cooperation with the Trump administration and affirmed Israel's support for the fight against radical Islam; 'We won't let them drag humanity away from the promise of a bright future to the misery of a dark past.'
At the beginning of his speech, Netanyahu welcomed the new American Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman.
"I look forward to welcoming you to Israel with open arms, especially in Jerusalem," said Netanyahu. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, Israel has no better friend than America and America has no better friend than Israel. For the security of both Israel and the United States, we must ensure the forces of militant Islam are defeated."
Netanyahu kept security and radical Islam on the agenda, saying, "We won't let them drag humanity away from the promise of a bright future to the misery of a dark past."
Using radical Islam as a pivot point, Netanyahu reiterated his stance toward Iran, saying that Iran "must be prevented from developing nuclear weapons. The cooperation between us means dealing with Iran's aggression."
Elaborating on the relationship between the US and Israel, Netanyahu was particularly praising of President Trump and his administration.
"I would like to thank President Trump for his great support of Israel and I would like to thank Vice President Pence for the warm words he delivered here last night. The American administration is showing its commitment to Israel by turning words into policy and you can see it in the actions of Ambassador Haley at the UN."
Toward the end of his speech, Netanyahu turned his attention to the Palestinians, Israel's other moderate Arab neighbors and the prospects for peace.
“Israel’s hand, and my hand, is extended to all our neighbors in peace,” Netanyahu stated. “We teach peace to our children and it’s time the Palestinian Authority do the same. It must stop teaching hatred to its children. It must stop paying terrorists. It must stop denying our legitimacy and our history. It must, above all, once and for all, recognize the Jewish state.”
“Israel is committed to working with President Trump to advance peace with the Palestinians and with all our neighbors,” he continued. “I believe that the common dangers faced by Israel and many of our Arab neighbors now offer a rare opportunity to build bridges towards a better future—a future more prosperous, more secure and more peaceful. And to achieve that, Israel will stand ever vigilant, never compromising on our security, always ready to defend ourselves.
(Translated and edited by Fred Goldberg)