
Poland: Swastikas drawn on Holocaust memorial

A monument commemorating the Holocaust in the Jewish cemetery in Sochaczew, Poland has been defaced last weekend with swastikas and ISIS inscriptions


Vandals desecrated the monument, and wrote "Death to Poland" and "Isis rules," alongside the anti-Semitic graffiti.


The commemorative monument has inlayed plaques in English, Hebrew, and Polish in memory of the Jews who were murdered by the Nazis in WWII.


"Remember: The Jews of Sochaczew and its surroundings lived here for 600 years. They were annihilated by the Nazis, 1939-1945," the inscription reads.


The Sochaczew Jewish cemetery has also been vandalized in 2015.




פרסום ראשון: 11.24.18, 09:31