
Col. Iyad Sarhan
Gaza protests
Photo: AFP
Gaza protests
Photo: AFP

Bracing for violence, IDF warns Gazans away from border fence

After Hamas-led armed groups declare Friday a 'test day' following last weekend's deadly violence, army suggests protesters should spend the day 'in the bosom of their families'

The IDF is preparing for a tense weekend on the Gaza border, sending reinforcements in order to prevent the potential infiltration by Palestinian rioters into Israeli territory. The move comes following an announcement by the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip that Friday is a "test day."


The IDF believes that there will be riots at the fence as Palestinians mark a since four protesters were killed on the border. The army will therefore increase the amount of troops and aerial observation around certain points of friction.


Col. Iyad Sarhan
Col. Iyad Sarhan


Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories for the Gaza Strip Col. Iyad Sarhan issued a social media appeal to residents of the Gaza Strip on Thursday, and warned them not to take part in terrorist attacks on the border fence with Israel.


"Residents of Gaza, what do you want from your upcoming Friday?" said Sarhan in a video message in Arabic that was posted on Facebook. "Do you want to spend it in the bosom of your family or in unpleasant incidents on the security fence? The IDF will not tolerate any attacks on the security fence. We also want a Friday without any casualties on your side, but that depends solely on you."


He added: "The IDF will not allow rioters to approach or damage the security fence, and any attempt to harm IDF soldiers or violate Israeli sovereignty will be met with a strong IDF response. Keep your distance from the area of the fence, and you will be quite safe. "


Gaza protests (Photo: EPA)
Gaza protests (Photo: EPA)


Such IDF announcements are relatively rare, and this was the first of of its kind in weeks. It is apparently a direct result of the deaths of the four Palestinians in last Friday's clashes as well as the joint announcement by Hamas-led armed groups in Gaza.


Hamas has previously prevented protesters from reaching the fence and causing violent incidents, but last week showed that a low level of restraint easily leads to greater violence.


פרסום ראשון: 12.27.18, 13:14
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