Robertson: God punished Sharon
AP and Ynetnews
Published: 06.01.06, 00:39
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151. bush and sharon
bob ,   howe cave usa   (01.06.06)
its good to read that someone else is seeing the end approaching;as the spirit pours out Gods faithful and chosen can know the time is near. not bythe blood,not by the flesh,nor by the will of man,but of God.the intellect cannot comprehend this
152. Wen will God punish Pat Robertson?
Susanne ,   Santa Barbara, CA   (01.06.06)
153. Rev. Robertson's comments
Egon ,   Antrim, NH, USA   (01.06.06)
How can a man of GOOD FAITH be so dumb as to constantly spitting into other man's face. Robertson should be thrown out of his church with disgrace. Like Sheron or not the man has spent his life helping other people and his present condition is nothing to glow about. I wish Sheron speedy recovery and healthy old age....Robertson can answer for himself with his stupidities.
154. all men deserve wrath part 1
azk ,   israel   (01.06.06)
Would you consider yourself to be a good person? Lets take a quick ten question test. Do you think you are good enough to go to Heaven when you die? Do you ever think about the issues of life and death? Think about it for a moment: everything you hold dear to you is going to be torn from your hands by death. Whether we like it or not, we are all part of the ultimate statistic: Ten out of ten die. No doubt you have wondered why death separates us from our loved ones. This happens because we have broken an eternal Law. Lets look at the Law (the Ten Commandments) and see if we have broken any of them in any way (with a tender conscience, lets ask ourselves if we have obeyed the following): You shall have no other gods before Me (have we loved God above all else?). You shall not make yourself a graven image (make a god to suit ourselves, with our hands or our mind). You shall not take Gods name in vain. (Not even hitler's name is used as a curse word and yet we use the name of a Holy God who created the universe and even our very lives, as curse word in the place of 4 letter words.) Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Honor your father and mother. You shall not murder (hatred is considered as murder). You shall not commit adultery (lust is adultery of the heart; includes sex before marriage). You shall not steal (the value is irrelevant). You shall not lie (including answering these questions). You shall not covet. The Bible says that God will punish all murderers, rapists, thieves, liars, adulterers, etc. He will even judge our words and thoughts. On Judgment Day, will you be found to be guilty or innocent of breaking His Law? Perhaps you think that God is good, and will therefore overlook your sins. But it is His goodness that will make sure murderers, rapists, thieves, liars, etc. receive justice. read part 2
155. we all deserve wrath part 2
kaz gink ,   israel   (01.06.06)
He would be a corrupt Judge if He turned a blind eye to injustice. God, however, made a way where His justice and His goodness could meet. We broke the Law, but He became a man to pay the fine. Now, because of what Jesus did for us in satisfying the Law, God can forgive us and grant us the gift of everlasting life! But here’s where many people make a fatal mistake. They think they will enter Heaven if they live a good life. But isn’t it true that the best of us have lied, stolen, lusted, hated, failed to love God above all else, and failed to love our neighbor as ourselves? How can we then, live a "good" life if we have already sinned against God? At best we are reformed liars and thieves . . . Lawbreakers. Think of it this way — would you sell one of your eyes for a million dollars? Would you sell both for $50 million? I'm sure you wouldn’t. Your eyes are priceless, yet they are merely the windows of your soul. What then must your life (soul) be worth? With these thoughts in mind, what would be a fair price to pay for everlasting life? It is utterly without price. Yet, if we trust in our own goodness to enter Heaven, we are saying to God, "I should enter Heaven because I have done good - I have earned my way in." Imagine if you wanted to give me a brand new (very expensive) car, but I said "I cant take it! I feel embarrassed receiving such a gift . . . here's 10 cents for it." I'm sure you would be very insulted by such a pathetic offer of payment. Besides, if I pay for it, it is no longer a gift, it's a purchase . . . it's mine by right. When we talk of entering Heaven by being good, by trying to keep the Ten Commandments etc., we are tossing God 10 cents of "self-righteousness," which is a terrible insult to Him, in the light of His sacrifice. The only thing we can do is humble ourselves, repent of our sins, and receive the gift by trusting Jesus Christ alone. Almighty God demonstrated how much He loves you when Jesus suffered for you on the cross. If you want to trust in your own goodness, then you are saying His agonizing death on the cross was in vain. The Bible says, "For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God." You cannot earn a gift. When Jesus said to "believe" on Him, He was saying we should have faith in Him, in the same way you would trust a parachute to save you when you jump from a plane. You don't merely believe in the parachute — you put it on. Please don't "jump" without Jesus. If you die in your sins there is no second chance. God will give you justice, and you will end up in Hell forever. Any troubles you have at present, are dwarfed by the trouble you are in with your Creator. His wrath abides upon you (John 3:36). Confess your sins to God right now, put your trust in Jesus as Savior, and you will pass from death to life. Then read the Bible daily and obey what you read. Have faith in God, He will never let you down. Pray something like this: "Dear God, I repent of all of my sins (name them). This day I put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Please forgive me and grant me your gift of everlasting life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."
156. Pat Robertson profited financially from the misery of others
Michael Ferris ,   Houston, USA   (01.06.06)
Pat Robertson is a person that has profited financially from the misery of others and through trickery of scamming.
157. Um...Read the Bible. Pat's Right!
T ,   Raleigh   (01.06.06)
The Jewish rabbi claims that "No person can know God's reasons for human illnesses or calamities." Um, then how did the prophet Jeremiah expalin the calamaties befalling Judah when they fell to the Babylonians or Ezekiel or Isaiah knowing the judgment of God? Perhaps the Rabbi is a little detached from his own faith. "FOR BEHOLD, in those days and at that time when I shall reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for their treatment of My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and because they have divided My land." (Joel 3:1-2) Seems like Pat was right after all.
158. Psychology
EC ,   new york city, USA   (01.06.06)
All I can say is one thing: You guys that believe in Pat need SERIOUS psychological help. Thank GOODNESS for separation of church and state...let the blind lead the blind while the rest of us continue discovering scientifical truths and how the universe REALLY works.
159. The earth is flat
anderson ,   High area providing   (01.06.06)
Religion not god is humanity's last ignorance. Literal interpretations of metaphor will destroy us all.
160. Humans have small brains
anderson ,   High area providing   (01.06.06)
Why does Pat Robertson think that sending someone closer to the kingdom of heaven is a retribution? Why does everyone who considers themselves of true faith think that dying is bad? It is interesting to think about. One of true faith should be happy that Sharon gets to meet his maker soon. Who is to say that god hasnt decided that Sharon's time on earth is through? Even more interesting to think about. I thought that we had free will and the retribution shall happen at the gates? Psycho people everywhere.
161. Pat's right.
Tish Payne ,   Tucson, Az.   (01.06.06)
Nate, you're correct. Just read your bible literally and the truth will set you free. Tish, Tucson, Az.
162. This is out of the twilight zone
Bill ,   Fort Lauderdale, USA   (01.06.06)
Pat Robertson and George Bush are venturing into very dangerous areas. It's time for the whole world to stop, take a breath, and consider where we all want to be.
163. to 123
Hope   (01.06.06)
Thanks for explaining..I am ready! I am His son! I wanted you to be clear and not afraid from telling His name!
164. Jews illegally occupying their own land?
Doug ,   Tredegar, UK   (01.06.06)
The danger of taking Pat Robertson's comments out of their Biblical context has already been mentioned. We cannot pick and choose parts of the Bible and reject others. Isolating Scriptures out of their full context to "prove" certain points of view is totally unacceptable. The entire Bible needs to be read and it's full message understood. When this is done the context of Pat Robertson's comments becomes clear. One is left to ask 'does the God of the Bible, the Lord God of Israel, want to divide the land of Israel and give a portion of it to the 'Palestinians' — or anybody else — besides the Jewish people?' A brief perusal of the Old Testament will provide the answer. God chose a people, small in number, and a small area of land, who He called His own, through which to provide His redemptive purposes for mankind. This tiny area, 0.5% of the Middle East, is still too much for the International community & the Arab world to grant the Jewish people. The Arab world, constituting some 22 nations, covers 99.5% of the Mid-East and one tenth of the world's surface, the largest area occupied by any ethnic group. Yet it is not enough - they want the God given land of the Jews for another Arab state calling the Israeli presence in their OWN ancient homeland an "illegal occupation". In its simplest terms, the ‘conflict' in Israel is being waged by those who are fighting (whether intentionally or not) against the God of Israel, the Creator of the universe. It's a battle, for the most part, between those of faith who believe the promises God made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and those who, for whatever reasons, would prefer that Israel (i.e., the Jews) did not live on the land bordered by the Nile and Euphrates Rivers and the Mediterranean Sea and the wilderness of Jordan. The faithful in Israel are obeying a direct commandment from God ("inhabit the land"). Those, on the other hand, who are fighting against God (whether intentionally or not) are trying to remove the Jewish people from the land given to them by God, especially Judea and Samaria — the very heart of Israel. Many even speak of this being a 'battle between the God of the Bible & the god of Islam'. Prophetic Scriptures reveal the scenario ahead of us and amongst these God has warned of the consequences of the "dividing up" of His land. God bless you all.
KCFMike ,   Show Low   (01.06.06)
From what I know of the Bible Pat has a valid point. Of course had that point been made by a more reputable source, it may have received a bit more value. However, I don't think anyone more respected would had been so uncivil as to postulate such a thing in such an UNTIMELY manner. (thus -one reason why he/she is respected) Personally I can't imagine being in Sharon's shoes - having to choose between his convictions and the safety of ones he loved + the whole world against him. None the less the for those of faith in G-d (not the pluralistic Hollywood version of god) we would do well to consider Israel G-d is real. He does have a plan and we are seeing some undisputable signs (beyond coincidence my secular friends) that we are heading into a major shift in life as we know it - especially us spoiled Americans. Remember when the first drop of rain fell, Noah instantly became the wisest man on earth!
166. 115 reply
venita ,   Quail .usa   (01.06.06)
You are so funny. I am christian and I know the land of Israel belongs to God and the Jews. It sure want belong to the muslims or other ever. Even if you get there it will be short lived for God will soon toss you out if you do not follow the Jehovah God. and you don't. If you want to be a part of Israel and the city of Jersalem you must be born again and serve The God of abraham , Issacs and Jacob. for he will return soon to set things straight on the earth for his people and his holy land. Be not deceived it is holy word. read it.
167. #157 - Um . . . Read the Bible, Pat's Wrong
Harold ,   USA   (01.07.06)
Mr. T - A few responses: 1. Jeremiah was a Prophet - Robertson is not, does not claim to be and lacks the qualifications to be one in any event. 2. If you read the passage you quote from Joel - G-D is talking about punishing the non-Jews who have divided up Israel, He is NOT talking about what Jews do with their land to have peace (which, if you read the Bible, you will understand that the concept of Peace or Shalom is one of the most significant lessons) and he is NOT talking about punishing Jews, only aliens like yourself. 3. Even if we are to engage in Pat's weak attempt to divine G-D's will, I will propose for you an alternate and BETTER explanation that one could argue: G-D did all in His power to save an extremely obese old man, who should have died years ago of a heart attack or of wounds he received in battle, JUST SO THAT SHARON COULD EFFECT THE GAZA WITHDRAWAL AND CREATE THE KADIMA PARTY TO PERPETUATE PEACE AND PERHAPS, IF THE SECURITY SITUATION WARRANTS, UNILATERALLY WITHDRAW FROM A BIT MORE LAND AND CREATE SAFE, JEWISH BORDERS. Why isn't this a better, more logical explanation? After all, to have it your way, G-D has failed in His objective to keep the Gaza and has left in place an historic gathering of the nation's most reasonable and dedicated politicians to protect and defend the Holy Land. So, what do you believe in - the weak, lilly-livered god that Pat Robertson believes in or the OMNIPOTENT G-D of the Jews, who is ever merciful and just?
168. Pat's a pretty lousy prophet - here's the real deal . . .
Harold ,   USA   (01.07.06)
Reverend Pat - Don't you find it miraculous that a morbidly obese old man, who rightfully should have died of a heart attack, stroke or battle injuries long, long ago, lasted JUST LONG ENOUGH to withdraw from Gaza and completely reinvent Israeli politics by creating a large centrist Kadima Party to perpetuate Sharon's legacy of unilateral withdrawal to borders that Israel deems important? Seems to me that the message is that HaShem has approved of the Gaza withdrawal and is allowing for the new Kadima generation to move Forward towards a secure and realistic peace.
169. The "Dividing Up" of God's Land.
Doug ,   Tredegar, UK   (01.07.06)
Behind Pat Robertson's comments lies the fact that two peoples claim the same land in the Middle East. Whose land is it? Who is right: Israel or the Palestinians? Does it belong to both peoples? Who has the right to decide to whom the Land belongs? Israel? The Arab League? The United States? The United Nations Security Council? The United Nations General Assembly? How should it be decided? By the Koran? By the various competing claims of history? By voting? By war? When the Word of God speaks authoritatively on any subject, that is the final word. God has much to say about the Land and people of Israel in His supernatural revelation, the Bible, which is the very Word of God. The Jews, and the Jews alone, have been given the title to the Land of Israel as a permanent inheritance by the Lord - No human government or coalition of governments has the right or authority to cede portions of the Land of Israel to anyone else. However, we live in a secular, humanistic, atheistic world that never accepts or believes in the God of the Bible, the Lord God of Israel. Nevertheless, the Scriptures and their message are there to be accepted or rejected. We are all granted the freedom to choose life or death and the Bible urges us to choose "life" while also declaring that - "God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap". Two thirds of the Bible is prophetic in nature and vast areas relate to events surrounding the regathering of the Jews to their Land prior to the return of the Messiah. There are 737 separate prophecies in Scripture, with some mentioned only once but with others being mentioned up to many hundreds of times. Of the 737 prophecies mentioned, some 594 (over 80%) of these have already been accurately fulfilled. The remaining prophecies, which relate to the return of the Messiah and Israel are shown to be taking shape at the time of writing. Prophetic Scriptures reveal the scenario ahead of us and amongst these God has warned of the consequences of the "dividing up" of His land. Ultimately whether we believe in God or not will affect us on an individual basis, but rest assured, He will fulfil His purposes and His Word in relation to His Land and His People, in spite of us or despite any decision that politicians and the international realm may make.
170. Sharon is NOT dividing the Holy Land
Damon Hastings ,   Tulsa, OK   (01.07.06) was already divided before he got there. Sharon is just building a fence on (or at least near) a division that's already there, a division created in 1948 with the creation of Israel itself and later expanded by the Six-Day War of 1967. So God *did* tolerate and continues to tolerate the division of the Holy Land. It's a little ironic for Robertson, who supports Israel, to denigrate the very division which created it. Before 1948, the Holy Land was entirely under Muslim rule for 1300 years. Those years were relatively peaceful when the Christians weren't crusading. Perhaps Robertson would argue that God wants the Holy Land unified, but only if it can be unified under Judeochristian rule. If so I would have to ask, why then did God tolerate Muslim rule for 1300 years?
171. To 163
Chris ,   Washington   (01.07.06)
I shall never be ashamed to say His Name...Yeshua!!! The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life...Revelation 22:17
172.  So called christians !!!
maria ,   wellington usa   (01.07.06)
You so called christians that are embarassed by the truths that Pat states need to read your bibles and comprehend what you read and not let some liberal minister tell you what it says. How plain can the word of God be??God will deal with those that divide or move the boundaries of his land. He has been dealing with america with every disaster known to man in the months since the jews were expeled from their homes. I don't know what he has in store for our president or condi yet. Time will tell and we can not change what God has set in motion. Pat is the watchman on the wall and he is just warning the christian people or world if they would listen to what God has stated in his word. He didn't say he had heard from God just read his word and recognizes the prophesy coming to pass day by day. We are told by God to watch for the signs of his coming and if you are blinded to those things then the choice is yours. We were given that choice to receive or reject his word. I feel that Sharon is being removed from power because he went against God and Israel. I love the man for he has been a great leader but when he allowed himself to be strong armed by our president and condi I feared that something of this nature would come to pass.I pray God's will be done is his Life. Dawn in D.E says it right. watch the prophesy come to pass. You will never know if you don't study his word now will you. you will argue about someting you don't even understand or see. Open up your mind and read and think. Pat is a man used by God to open our eyes to the things he is performing on this earth . mainly his Israel. Pat 's words are being taken completely ort of context and twisted for satan is angry that God has a man that might warn the people and his evil be exposed. Be aware people for satan is roaring now like a mad lion for he knows his time is short and he don't want his agenda to be exposed to the nonsuspecting people that do not believe in God. they might see the truth and be persuaded that they have been duped by him and turn to his word and see the truth of his ways. # 62 you are so wrong about america not loving the jewish people and Israel . The love for you and your nation Is growing so fast in this country. and that is because God is at work in the hearts of the american people. we are here by God to help protect Israel. we have no selfish reason for It but that we have a god given love for you. we wish you well and God 's protection from the enemy that is all around you. God is with you Israel and it is with America as long as we stand up for God and the things that are Godly. I must say that we are bordering on much evil. I fear for our nation for I am afraid that paganism and selfism is going to try and replace God in many lives here. Many things here are not pleasing to God. The faithful must be faithful and he will honor that. I pray for pat and Sharon, our nation and Israel. Pat is the watchman on the wall doing bravely what God has told him to do. God will bless him for his faithfulness. call him what you like, condemn him if you must but God will reward him in the end for his Job well done in the face of all adversities.
173. A Proud American
Patty Morell ,   Erie United States   (01.07.06)
I love my Lord, Jesus Christ. I love my country, The United States of America! I respect my President. I love my family, and all my Christian brothers and sisters. Our hope is in Jesus and He loves the whole world, everyone in it. Whether you love him or not , He loves you, He died for you and me. He has heard every word spoken here. I trust in Him and Him alone. He will take care of us who believe in Him. We must pray for our country and our president that God would give him Wisdom and Guidance in all things. God Bless the USA and all of His children. GOD IS LOVE
Rev Cornholeo ,   Waco Texas   (01.07.06)
The Torah should be the only guidance that leads the people of Isreal. For those that don't know what the Torah is - it is the first firve books of the Bible. Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Torah is the Word and the Word will guide you into all truth. Rebbe Aaron Josep Yosef 1536 B.C.E.
175. Pat's a Retard
Chad ,   Sarasota, USA   (01.07.06)
The only thing more stupid than Pat the Retard 700 club is the moronic newspapers that print his dribble. Pat is a certified lunatic, he is only out of the institution because even they couldn't put up with his ranting and utter stupidity. PAT do the world a favor and go meet your maker. But don't take a coat it's going to be real HOT where you are going.....
176. Pat Robertson and Scripture
Isaiah ,   USA   (01.07.06)
Pat was correct and the I hope all Muslims take note...Don't continue down the same destructive path as in the past. Seek and you will find, ask and you will receive. Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father. He is returning soon! Are you ready? He is the one true God,Prophet,King; that came to earth and took on flesh. lived a perfect life and paid the price for your sins. That's why only through faith in him can you be reconciled to God the Father.
177. Well well well...
Sam ,   Alquds, Palestine   (01.07.06)
The mere existence of more than 150 postings here prove what kind of readers this site has, since most of them came from neo cons who live in the US and are waiting for gog and amagog, (Bin Laden is also waiting for Yajuj wa Majuj) and for their savior (who they claim is Jesus Christ) on a cloud, in order to be the lucky ones. You know what? You will all look rediculous when this prophecy of urs turns out to be false.
178. Pat Robertson, Marcel,Fl
James ,   Coon Rapids,Mn.usa   (01.07.06)
I agree with Marcel that pres. Bush is the problem for Isreal!!!! He sees himself as the man who brokered peace in the middleeast, but peace won't come in Bushes term in office. only false hope for christians and jews. Bush say's he's a christian, but I wonder how anyone who has read the bible and believes in it could possibly commit such an anti-christ like act as stealing Gods land and giving it to murderers like the so called palestinians!!!
179. Robertson has coffee with Bush
Bush: Weeeeell howdie buckeroo! Robertson: Yipikiyaaaay Bushyboy! Bush: I told yal that invading iraq and kicking some raw hide was a good idea Robertson: Sure was George! Them people is the sons of satan! Burn them in heeeeell! Bush: Damn straight boy! Robertson: Yipikiyaaay! Bush: Why wont them damn Israelis do what I tell em Rob? Or is that Bob? I forget. Robertson: Well, in Luke 13 verse 103 line 12 third word from the left, it says that ''the Israelis will not listen to your counsel, nor will they eat MacDonalds because it tastes like camel turt, and anyway real cowboys dont eat soya burgers pretending to be beef ones''. Bush: I see. So what your saying is we should open up a Burger King in Tel Aviv? Robertson: Yup. Bush: Chaney! Mobilize those marines! We're invading TV! And we're gonna show em what real burgers are all about. But back in Tel Aviv... Israeli sits on the beach admiring the boobies and fine asses decked out in pink bikinis, while eating a felafel. Why? Because we make burgers much better than americans anyway and the Torah comes from this country, not some redneck stixville outback dungheap called alabama baby (Cue 1980s Malboro advertisement music)
180. Kate #100
BarbT ,   Sacramento USA   (01.07.06)
Wrong, Kate, we gentile Christians are the best friends the Hebrew people ever had. We are under the blood of THEIR Messiah, Yeshua, grafting us into His eternal family. The bible is crystal clear of how God deals with any of us who mess with Zion. We have the choice to heed or ignore His warning. The "confilct" {?} with radical Islam is never going to be settled until He returns to Mt of Olives just as Israel is about to be annihilated. Only under His iron rule will Israel & the world be at peace.
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