Opinion  Sever Plocker
What about Gaza?
Sever Plocker
Published: 18.01.10, 00:50
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106 Talkbacks for this article
61. Reality check time
Israel bears no responsibility for Gaza, none, and in any case, they wouldn't let us in to set up a hospital.
62. The point is compassion
Margie in Tel Aviv ,   TA   (01.18.10)
if the one life saved was yours you wouldn't object, would you? The spark of humanity is alive and well in Israel - but seemingly not in all Israelis.
63. Gaza authorities should put their money in good use
Suzanne   (01.18.10)
instead of arms. None of Israels business.
64. Let's see now Mr. Plocker
Sagi   (01.18.10)
Had Churchill invited Hitler to Downing Street for afternoon tea we would all have become friends instead of enemies. No war, just peace. Had Scipio sent ships to carthage loaded with wine and olive oil instead of soldiers and swords then the descendants of Hannibal would still be around today.. Oh Mr. Plocker, I personally in years gone by stretched out my hand with both food and medicine for Gazans in Gaza city. It was taken and then my hand was spat on. Appeasment does not work when you are confronted by deep rooted hostility. Chamberlin, much to his consternation, had the ultimate empirical experience in this field. He was aforewarned by Churchill but chose to ignore him and upon his return Churchill confronted him with these words. "You sought peace, but war you shall have." The rest is history Mr. Plocker, and history is very important. While on the subject of history Mr. Plocker, the destiny of Communism is a portent and harbinger for Socialism. The writing is on the wall. It is all part of the dynamic nature of the Universe in which Man is but a microcosm.
65. If Haiti was Gaza,Damascus, Iran,(or Sodom and Gomorrah)
Roland Seener ,   London England   (01.18.10)
We would have rescued perpetual killers of our people.Bar entry ,for they would not lift a finger (if G"d Forbid) a catastrophe on this scale befell us.They would put it down to "Allah"s wish ,and do the finishing touches to get rid of us the "Cursed Jews" .They will never learn.Gaza ?...Give not a quarter !.
66. Plocker can help by exchanging himself for Gilad Shalit
Miriam   (01.18.10)
Since Sever Plocker desires to send Israelis into harms way in Gaza, he should start by offering himself as an exchange for Gilad Shalit. It's win-win for everybody: (1) Palestinians will still have an Israeli hostage (since Palestinians care so much about morality and international law we can be sure Sever Plocker will have his human rights including visisitation by the Red Cross denied); (2) Sever Plocker's wish to send Israelis into harm's way in Gaza would be granted, and he'll be where he belongs; and (3) Gilad Shalit will be returned to Israel, where he belongs. This article only shows how willing and eager Sever Plocker is to risk his neighbors' children to be harmed for his desire to enable murderers to continue spending their BILLIONS of dollars in interational aid money on terrorism and corruption instead of on basic civilian infrastructure like hospitals.
67. What a comparisson! This article takes the cake
m   (01.18.10)
When was the last time Haiti sent terrorists to kill Israelis, or send rockets into Israeli towns!! This must be the stupidest article I can imagine on YNET
68. It is not "black and white"
Hanan ,   Israel   (01.18.10)
Sever Plocker has the right to ask that question. However he ignores the situation that Hamas is not accepting any Israeli or Jewish aid just for the simple reason that it may weak their dominant power to rule over the poor innocent population of Gaza. Hence, Israel will ask them to establish a field or permanent hospital in Gaza, will they accept it? Hamas will take it as an attempt to weaken them by using the humanitarian aid (as pure as that) from Israel as a "propaganda" for the Israeli political reasons. Even so, we as Israelis must continue our aid efforts worldwide and in Gaza. Helping aid must be out of any political, religious or sectional question. Sick people are sick people and no race can be discriminated. The helping aid is the most basic element to make your enemy your friend. If the enemy rejects the helping hand the problem lays in front of his door. Let's bear some good habits and leave the bad habits to someone else. http://friendship-prior-peace.blogspot.com/
69. Here is an idea. How about IDF sets up
leo ,   usa   (01.18.10)
mobile hospital in Gaza and leaves. Mr. Plocker will volunteer as administrator and will stay there for few days before rest of the stuff (volunteer only) arrives.
70. What about Gaza? They get more help Haitians will
leo ,   usa   (01.18.10)
ever get. Where does it all go? What about Gaza?
71. What about Gaza?
Babs ,   London UK   (01.18.10)
I am not sure what this journalist is trying to say or do. Israel provides medical aid and supplies, and treats patients from Gaza in her hospital all the time. Why the mean-spirited criticism?
72. American @ 44, Whom do you call "Palestinians"?
leo ,   usa   (01.18.10)
There are no Palestinians and never were. There are only two type of people over there. Either Arab occupiers or Jews who are still searching for their way home.
73. compairing apples with pears
tiki ,   belgium   (01.18.10)
The 'same kind of nonsence was written by 'Akiva Eldar from Haarez'. How dare you make this kind of comparison. The Haiti disaster was by NATURAL courses, their poverty and exploitation is because the tropical hurricanes which throw them back into poverty again and again. The "Pal's disaster" is a MAN MADE disaster, which shouldn't have happened (had they accepted Israel), and is being exploited and nurtured year after year by Arab regimes/NGO's and people like you who don't seem to get that "pampering" the Pal's is not going to change their situation. Only taking 'peaceful' responsability for their own lifes will!
74. Haiti doesn't shoot rockets at kindergartens
UncleG ,   Tractor Factory, Sta   (01.18.10)
Aside from the risk of putting Jews anywhere in Gaza, just what we need are three dozen more hostages from the barbarian criminals that currently run Gaza, Hamas does not want Jewish help, they want Jewish deaths. Thee Palestinians elected these monsters; let them sort out their own affairs. That was the whole point of separation. Until Palestinians become responsible for their own lives, we need to give them the tough love of living well while they destroy themselves. While this sound heartless, they have have to want to change before anything we do will matter. Lastly and most importantly, Gaza regularly send over patients needing Israel's doctors.This is true to Israel's values and the right thing to do until something better than Hamas runs Gaza.
Arn-Orao. ,   Sweden-Srbia.   (01.18.10)
Israel does not bear much responsibility for Haiti, with the exception of the general responsibility every person bears for others. Yet it does bear indirect responsibility for Gaza. The Gaza Strip is ruled by a murderous terror organization, yet dozens of innocent children were killed there during Operation Cast Lead. Without taking anything away from the wonderful dedication and volunteer spirit shown by Israeli teams in Haiti, they should not be surprised to be challenged by the provocative question: Have you been to Gaza already? SO IF ISRAEL WHERE POLAND, DURING THE 2nd WORLD WAR, DO YOU THINK AID TO GERMAN KIDS/OR PEOPLE, WOULD BE BETTER, THAN TO EXTERMINATE THE MURDEROUS NAZI REGIME TROWING ROCKETS AT ISRAEL. THERE IS NO OTHER SOLUTION REGARDING THE GAZA PROBLEM, THAN A MILITARY ONE. Arn-Orao.
76. why give Hamas more hostages?
jsm   (01.18.10)
77. like we need any more hostages in Gaza !!!
Plotsky   (01.18.10)
Sever ! For once ! Think before you write (rubbish) !!!
78. No responsibility
ezer   (01.18.10)
Mr. Plockner is wrong. Israel does not bear any responsibility for Gaza. He should be more concerned about the welfare of Gilad Shalit and the many Kassams raining over our heads. No, I do not feel sorry at all with Gaza and feel like most Israelis that Gaza can go to hell.
79. There already was a field hospital
Charlie ,   Tel Aviv   (01.18.10)
in Gaza but by order of Hamas Gazans were not to make use of it and was replaced with a Jordanian one. Mr Plocker has a short memory.
80. nice article
jerusalem   (01.18.10)
well, when people need help, they need help. no mater if they are in gaza or haiti or sri lanka. if IL really wanted to make an ernest impression, progress could have been made ages ago, then they wouldnt look so hypocritical. nevertheless, they are still helping haitians, and whether making an impression or not had something to do with it, hope that they are stablizing the situation. I doubt that some day things will turn around between the palis and IL. and you are right, the world isnt impressed much-just look at the back door and system...
81. Why dont IL open the boarders so that can happen Yacov #8
jerusalem   (01.18.10)
just open the boarders so that they can receive the money, or atleast the medical and other supplies? oh..that would be human. Cant have that. Silly me, should have realized that from history.
82. leo @44, "those imaginary people that IL put a wall around"
jerusalem   (01.18.10)
there was never a wall, non-jewish people, military conscription to protect the "state", nor something called the PA. heck, this whole state is all just one unified, happy bowl of love, isnt it? i dont see any arab occupying force in my normal life here(or I may happen be living in a different region in the ME called "Israel" and not know it). when I run into police or military, they are peoples as such in the name of israel. when i get a letter from the government or a utility bill to pay, its in hebrew...man, the arab occupying force is being real culture sensitive to the "occupied jews" of palestine
83. Humanity
Jack ,   Fort Collins, USA   (01.18.10)
The comments to this article confirm an uncomfortable truth about Israel and Israelis. They have lost their soul. Israel is helping Haiti in the best Jewish tradition. It also cranks out the PR machine to get the most benefit from its small contribution. At the same time it ignores the human disaster occurring in its own backyard, Gaza. Whatever one may think of Hamas, the malnourished and deprived children of Gaza were not Israel's enemies (although they will certainly grow up to be so because of the blockade). Israel has so demonized and dehumanized the Palestinians, the other, that the suffering of innocents means nothing to them, and hatred and vitriol spew forth like the precediing comments from the mouths of otherwise caring and generous people who really are moved by the plight of the Haitians. In short, Israel has become a psychotic, bipolar nation.
84. Bleeding heart #83, wake up!
Granny from Haifa   (01.18.10)
The Gazans do not want our help. The de facto Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip does not want our help, they are scared to death of our help and would never let it in. The malnourished, deprived children do not want our help because by the time they are in kindergarten Hamas has brainwashed them into hating us. They would never let Israel set up a hospital or anything else in the Gaza Strip. They want us all dead, gone, out of the way, vanished, liquidized.
85. Israel a "psychotic, bi-polar nation", #83?
Cameron ,   USA   (01.19.10)
60 years of your neighbors howling day & night for your destruction tends to bring that kind of disposition on, Jack. You try living, and raising a family in that kind of fanatical, obsessed region.
86. Jack a question for you
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (01.19.10)
The US has over 10,000 troops occupying Cuba and has an embargo on that island for 51 years. How much aid do you supply Cuba? Any at all? We did setup such a hospital and found that Hamas threatened to kill anybody that went.
87. Shocking column
Jania ,   Silver Spring, MD US   (01.19.10)
Steve Plocker suggests that Israel build a field hospital in Gaza. Why? Hasn’t Israel already built and refurbished hospitals in Gaza? What about the modern Shifa hospital complex, which Israel rebuilt in the mid 1980s? Israel spent millions on the project—not that Gazans are grateful. Israel also trained Gaza doctors and nurses. Israel treats Gazans in Israel. Enough already. When Hamas disappears or changes its intention to commit genocide against Israel, only then should Israel do more.
88. leo/72 and 82
palestinian ,   Jerusalem ,palestine   (01.19.10)
stay i the US please . you are delusional ..either overdosing on some smoke or missing your pills somewhere . Mahmood Abbas is a palestinian for example leo .. unless nataniaho is meeting with a ghost !!
89. Steve Plocker's idea and here the best idea
Offendedbyidfcrimes   (01.19.10)
Israel is under obligation to take care of the occupied under international law and Geneva convention, and not to kill, torture them and continue stealing their land. The hospital field in Gaza is not a charity is and obligation. The so-call murderers are the IDF and settlers, not the Geneva Convention-based legitimate Palestinian resistance. Palestinian are the victims, Israel is the violent aggressior. the best idea is to return Palestinian land to Palestinians and leave it as it was before 1948. No need for anything else.
90. Anecdote: IDF medics in Gaza
Michael ,   Tel Aviv/London   (01.19.10)
I spoke to someone who was part of one of the teams sent into Gaza during Cast Lead. He told me this story; it's obviously anecdotal but the way he told it would have been hard to fake. His unit were told to station themselves in an apartment with a good view of a particular neighbourhood, and they asked the family who were still there to keep away from windows and sleep in the back rooms, in case the unit's presence drew fire from Hamas. One day the mother of the family comes into the front room with one of the kids and asks if the medic from the unit can treat the kid for some minor ailment. The medic obliges. A few hours later, there is a shy knock at the door. The soldiers open it, guns pointed. There is another mother and kid outside. They have somehow heard about this medic, and come to get the kid treated. Several more people showed up over the next week, in the middle of Cast Lead, to get treatment. I think this story represents three things: Firstly, that Israel, the IDF, and its medics, surely do their best to do the right thing in the most difficult circumstances, even if sometimes they cannot achieve the highest standards for whatever reason. Secondly, that there is hope that some ordinary citizens of Gaza understood who Israel sees as its enemy, and stood up to the propaganda they hear from both Hamas and Fatah about the IDF's penchant for giving Palestinian kids poisonous sweets and harvesting their organs and so on. Thirdly, it shows the grotesque and warped nature of the author of this article's accusation, that somehow on a state or individual level, we are detached from the suffering of Gazans, whoever is to blame for it. This is not in keeping with my experience of Israeli public opinion or the stories I have heard from serving soldiers on all sides of the political spectrum. I cannot help feeling that the author is writing to garner and impress an international readership of a pre-existing political persuasion on the Gaza issue.
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